The Morning After.

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damn its been forever since i uploaded this story in particular 

but ill try to do more frequent uploads whenever i have time. pinky promise.

anyway lately ive been obsessed with Dubstep especially Skrillex- First of the Year !!

now go grab candy and enjoy....(:



"Hey you. WAKE THE HELL UP!" Someone shouts in the distance instantly grabbing my attention whilst jumping on the bed making it very hard to ignore them and go back to sleep.

Seeing no end to the misery, I need to figure out who this is because they are on the top of my list to murder within the next twenty-four hours.

Groaning I turn over and peek one eye open at the bitch who dare to wake me from my precious sleep.

"Ugh." I let out an irritated sigh while lazily wiping my hand over my face in anger.

A giggle rebounds off the walls quickly lets me know that Leslie is still in the room.

"Harlow stop jumping on her bed, I think she had enough and besides if you stopped you would notice you woke her." Leslie gives him a stern warning, but you can hear her stifle her laughter.

The fucker didn't stop jumping on my damn bed.

Huffing I shout abuse in my thoughts directed at someone I would like to bury right about now, all while shutting my eyes tightly in anger.

Harlow continues jumping like a mother fucking toddler.

"Now why would I want to stop my fun so little Miss Pocket-full-of-sunshine can get some beauty sleep."


My eyes shoot open as I quickly grab Harlow by his ankles causing him to fall on the ground with an audible dull thud right on to his back.

He lets out a gasp of shock whilst Leslie is laughing up a storm at her older brothers expense.

"Gosh all you had to say was stop." He tries to negotiate as I narrow my sleepy eyes at him.

My jaw clenches as I can feel the anger rising within me.

"Bitch I was sleeping."

"Well no shit Sherlock. I would have never guessed." He rolls his bright green eyes at me.

At that moment I saw his whole life flash before my very eyes.

Clenching my jaw I make a rapid jump for him, but he crawls aways from me and begins to run towards the bedroom door. I take a desperate grab at his ankle, but he is too quick for me.

Damn what the hell is this kid?

"You bitch!" I shout after his retreating figure as he is finally out of sight.

I stand erect, hearing Leslie's consistent giggling in the background reminds me to beat the shit of Harlow for waking me up so damn early in the morning.

Actually what time is it?

"Aye what time is it?" I ask Leslie in a monotone voice.

She reaches onto the bedside table and opens her cell phone.

"It's around nine in the morning." 

"I swear to God that kid is dead." I seethe causing her to let out a girlie giggle at my expense, but I shoot her a deadly glare quickly silencing her. I was in no mood to be happy and I couldn't stand it when others around me thought it was hilarious.

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