The Day in the Village

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Dusk's POV

I woke up early and got dressed, putting on my cloak. Then I ran outside and walked to the village. And at the gate it was none other then the fairs himself. "Who are you?" He asked looking at me. "...Jane..." Is all I said. He kept staring and it bothered me. "Will you please stop staring at me?!" He apologized quickly and let me in.  When I was out of earshot I laughed.

I walks around till I ran in to the lord himself. "Oh I'm sorry miss...?" He started. "Jane...Jane Clover, sir." I said my hood still up.  He took my hand but I pulled it away. "Oh,I'm sorry miss Clover." He said and I walked away. Then I got to the market place and met the baker. "Hello I'm Holly. The baker here. Nice to meet you miss?" She said cheerfully. "Clover, Jane Clover." I said not taking her hand to shake it. "I have to go now.Bye." I said and left.  I walked to the blacksmith and saw ,Harold, one of my friends at the guild. I tapped his shoulder, and he spun around looking confused. "Oh...its just you, Dusk." he said, but before he could say my name I stepped on his foot. "Never call me that out of the guild!" I whispered,harshly. "Yes,ma'am." He said and left before we started to seem suspicious.

I left soon after, putting my assassin skills to use. Sneaking around is my favorite part,aside from killing my targets. I followed the head guard and watched him make his rounds, it was hysterical to watch him turn around like he was being watched,because he was. In the afternoon I thought it would be good to follow the lord and see what he was up to. I watched him until sundown,then I left back to the guild. When I entered the tavern I saw the boss and Even talking. I snuck up on them and Even gave a yelp. Me and the boss laughed, when he spilled his drink on his lap. "Dusk,don't do that to me! Know it looks like I wet myself!" He said getting up. "Sorry,but that was priceless! Go change." I said sitting in the other seat at the table. " was the village  in the light?" Boss asked me ,still smiling. " Its was hysterical, I watched the head guard and the lord all day,and they  didn't even see me."  Then I looked at Harold. "Hey boss, was Harold aloud outside today?" I asked. "No,why?" she said looking at me. " Oh,no reason." i said and went to bed early. 

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