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Imagine leaving this world having made a difference. Imagine dying and leaving something behind that will forever be remembered; something that can’t be taken away. The Egyptians have their pyramids, the Greeks their temples, the Romans their Coliseum; but what do we have? What do I have? What can I ever do that will make a difference? When leaving school and going out into the world we are faced with all these questions. We wonder if we have done enough during our school careers and we wonder if we have made the right choices about college or gap years. But we never really know. We can’t know the true answers and we can never know if we are making the right choices. We can only hope that when it comes to making these choices that we will be prepared enough to not make the wrong choice. I guess that’s what growing up is all about.

When we were little we would look out at the world with big eyes, in awe at the bustling of everyday life and believing everything we were told. We then found out Santa didn’t exist and began to question everything; we learnt about deception. As we slowly reached middle school we started to learn about work, and that life isn’t just fun and games, and that some people are just plain mean. Then high school came, and brought with it all the hormones and drama of popularity, that taught us jealousy and that life isn’t always fair. All the things we’ve learnt, and everyone we’ve met has prepared us in some small way for something later on, a decision, making a friend, our personality, who we are. Everything that has happened to us impacts on our lives in some way, and although at the time it may seem tough or annoying or unfair we always end up looking back and learning something.

I guess the summer of 69 was my big change. Looking back now I can see all my mistakes and stupidities, but I can also see how much I’ve grown since then. The world is changing constantly and the only things that can stay unchanged are the memories. Having just graduated from high school that summer was the only thing left before everyone went their separate ways. Life was changing and we had one summer left, one last chance at no consequences. That is probably my best memory, those weeks of learning about friendship and love and the difference between the two. The outside world didn’t matter, we didn’t care about the war, or the Manson murders; what mattered was the music and the people. It was the day after graduation that we packed, said our goodbyes and got on the train to France.


So this is our first story and we know it's quite slow now but it will pick up. We'd really appreciate any constructive criticism and all comments are welcome :) We've dedicated this prologue to SkyDancer because her story Living High School To The Fullest has inspired us to write this. A small side note to remember is that the prologue is in the present (and although the rest of the story is also written in the present) the remainder is a memory. Thank you so much for reading, we really appreciate it! x

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