Chapter 3 (Scott)

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After a long day of traveling I finally arrived in Antibes. Suitcase in hand, I glanced at my watch, having all the time in the world. I walk through the crowded train station and I see a glimpse of a familiar face. She hadn’t seen me but I knew instantly that it was Lucy. We were childhood best friends until her dad was relocated to America when she was 14. The last I heard her brother was fighting in the Vietnam War. I wonder what she’s doing here? She looks different and more grown up, but I can still see the same young girl that left four years ago. As I rushed to catch up with her I called out, “Lucy, Lucy!”

Her head whipped around and I saw the recognition appear on her face. “Scott?” she paused, “is that really you?” she questioned.

“It is. Hi, what are you doing here? How have you been? It’s been too long Luu,” I exclaimed. I can’t believe this is really my Lucy. For the past four years I’ve missed seeing her happy face and being around her bubbly personality. She always managed to find the positives in people. Seeing her rekindled my feelings that I thought I’d forgotten. Now I can remember all our hugs, and all the late nights we would spend together staring at the stars. I thought I would never see her again but here we are.

Lucy returned my smile and gave me one of her famous hugs. “Scott I’ve missed you so much! I’ve been good, missing James a lot. He’s on the forefront in Vietnam but I think he will come home soon. I’m here for my summer vacation before I go to Princeton University in the fall. I’m looking around for somewhere to stay, do you know of any places?”

“Yes I heard about James, but I’m sure he will be fine. After all it looks like the war might be coming to an end. I have no idea where I’m going to be staying. My friend told me that there are people everywhere that just offer their houses for really good prices. But maybe we could stay together, would definitely be cheaper and I would love to catch up properly.”

“Yes, it’s been so long and we have so much to catch up on!”

Luu’s enthusiasm just made my day. I’m so glad she also wants to catch up and all. While keeping up the small talk we made our way out of the station and into the bustling street. It feels like we’re in our own world, two old friends reunited in France, it doesn’t get better than this. As we stepped into the sunlight we overheard a group of young English travellers discussing accommodation with a local. There was arguing. The Frenchman was demanding what appeared to be a very high price for only four people. I quickly approached the small group and jumped at the opportunity.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation and was wondering if the two of us could join you?” I suggested to the group while gesturing to Lucy. “If we split the cost six ways it would be quite a bit cheaper. So what do you say?”

They looked apprehensive at first and we waited patiently while the thought about our offer. Finally the young man replied, “Sure man, sounds like a great idea. If we split the price by six, it’s only 5 franks per day. Sound good?”

Everyone seemed to nod in agreement and we followed the Frenchman to what was soon to be our new home.

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