Chapter 24 (last)

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Aphs POV
I look at Ivy and smile.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" She says while smiling again.

"Yeah I haven't seen you since we went on vacation!" I say to her.

She wraps her arms around me. That was about eight months ago. There's something me and Zane did that he will probably be mad at me for... I didn't notice that I got stuck in my thoughts until I was pulled out by Ivy.

"Hey is everything okay?" She asks me a lace of concern mixed in her voice.

"Uh yeah just thinking can we go to the park for a walk together?" I ask her which she agrees to.

We start walking and talking and laughing on the way there.

Once were at the park we stop at a tree that looks over the lake. It was a beautiful sight. I look at it for a few minutes before turning to Ivy to tell her.

"Hey Ivy..." I say slowly.

"Yeah Aph?" She says back.

"I uh still need to tell you something..." I say back rubbing my forearm.

"What do you need to tell me?" She asks while looking concerned.

"Uh when we went to Love~Love me and Zane..." I said telling her the whole story.

"Omg I didn't realize you were pregnant it was barely noticeable with those baggy- ohhh." Realizing why I wore baggy clothes more.

"I'm gonna tell Zane about it later on today though..." I say to her while looking sad mixed with happiness.

"It's gonna go good he's probably gonna be happy." Ivy says trying to comfort me.

"Thanks and yeah I hope he is happy or I'll leave him and we can raise the baby together!" I say while smiling.

"Yeah we could!" She says while hugging me.
5 Years Later...
Zane, me, and our new baby girl Lilith got out own house not far from all of our friends.

After I had Lilith Ivy was always there when I needed her. Dante and Ivy had a baby a year after us. It was a baby boy. His name is Tyrell. Lilith and Tyrell are best friends. They try hang together whenever they can. Me and Ivy are actually way better friends than before. We try and hang out at least once a week. Usually two. Zane is a great dad.

Lilith has me and Zane's hair obviously. But she has my eyes. But facial features she looks more like Zane than me. She looks cute she's like a mini Zane.

Tyrell on the other hand has Dante's hair and Ivy's eyes. His facial features are more like Ivy. He looks super adorbs! I love how he looks. I seriously ship Tyrell and Lilith.

I love my little family with Zane. I have great friends who are always here for me when I need them. Zane is the best father for my kid. I love how he shows her everything that he loves. Yes we may get in a few fights here and there but who hasn't? I still think Zane is a great father for Lilith. If I was offered to change fathers I would keep it as Zane. He's irreplaceable. Lilith is adorable she says the cutest things. She gives Tyrell hugs and kisses randomly.

Tyrell also returns them randomly which is so cute. They are the most adorable little kids I could ever ask for!
Time skip 10 years...
It's been 15 years since I've had Lilith. She's still the adorable girl I know. She's super kind to everybody but really feisty when she's mad. She still has black hair it's straight like Zane's. She still has my eyes which is cute. She acts really bubbly, happy, charismatic, and adorable. On the other hand with Tyrell he still looks the same too.

He acts shy, cute, happy, and kind. He would never hurt a fly unless anybody hurts Lilith or his friends. I find it so cute! But on the other hand with Lilith and Tyrell... They are officially girlfriend and boyfriend!
Time skip 10 years...
Tyrell and Lilith are now about 20 and 19! Tyrell has told me about how he's gonna propose once they find their own house. I can't wait. Once he told me I was so happy I gave him a bear hug and said you have my permission like a million times. When he comes over for dinner I would wink at him and he would look embarrassed. I honestly cannot wait until he proposes!

Lilith on the other hand doesn't know anything about him proposing. Tyrell has told me not to tell anybody anything. He also told me that he has told his mother Ivy too. Me and her have to have some girl time alone soon.
Time skip 5 years...
Tyrell and Lilith are now 25 and 24. Tyrell told me he was gonna bring her to some expensive restaurant. I told him that I was gonna pay and he could just take my credit card. He said he was gonna take her next week and while he said that I was so gonna tell Ivy and were gonna have a party for them both a surprise one because they know nothing of this. I smile and hug him in a death hug. I'm gonna have a son-in-law! Wouldn't that make Ivy my sister-in-law!? I can't wait!

When he leaves I start going towards Ivy and Dante's house. Once I get there I knock on the door to see Ivy open it. I smile a huge smile and hug her.

"We need to plan a party for Tyrell and Lilith!" I say while grabbing her hand closing the door and going to a party store.
Time skip 25 years...
Lilith and Tyrell are now 50 and 49 years old. What about me and Zane you ask? We were married and for Ivy and Dante, you could say that it didn't really work out. They broke up a few years after Tyrell and Lilith got married. Me and Zane love our two grand babies. I love spoiling them both with love and... Candy! Lilith keeps telling me that I should stop spoiling them but oh well I'll give it to them when Lilith and them ask us to babysit for them. Zane on the other hand teaches them a few things about how old my little Horsies is. He also shows them which is his favourite and tells them about all the horses. I honestly love the little sparkle in his eyes whenever he teaches them each one. He looks happy and oh did I mention, he finally decided to stop wearing his mask. I finally convinced him after wearing it so much. I love staring at his face now he's so adorable I love every little freckle! I love my little family and my grand babies. My friends have kind've drifted apart but we still talk and see each other every once in a while. Ivy and I are still the greatest friends. As for Dante? He's still Zane's friend obviously so I see him at the house every now and then. Then occasionally I would also see Travis around also. I love hanging with them both. I find it adorable on how they have little fights but then act like nothing happened.

After I'm done ranting in my head I look at Zane. His mouth still pink and noticeable since his skin is still pale. His hair is still the same way it usually is. He then looks at me and smiles his beautiful smile. I smile back and move his bangs out of his face. I lean in and give him a kiss. Even though we may have ups and downs, fights, and may even annoy each other... Zane is still my adorable little fat nugget that I've loved since we've lived in My Street. I will always adore My Little Fat Nugget...

Ok guys I'm sad to say that this book is officially over! I came back edited and changed Garroth to Dante... If you want to ask he was just the first person to come in mind. Hmm I'm thinking about making another Aphmau book but which guys and I'm also making it an xreader... Hmm you guys can leave a comment! Anwayssss I hope you guys enjoyed the story!

Byeeeeee 💕

Zanemau ~ My Fat Little NuggetWhere stories live. Discover now