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Dedicated to : jinymarylee

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He could have been a beauty.

She studied the boy, sure to keep her face neutral.

The structure of the cheekbones, the curve of the lips, the spark in the eyes; he could have easily broken any girls' heart.

If he had been delicate.

But he wasn't.

Where his cheekbones could have elevated a sweet smile, it only amplified the cruelty in it.

His lips should have been soft and gentle, a smile ever ready. However, in its place was a constant harsh smirk, a tell tale sign to his character.

There should have been a gentle spark of kindness in his eyes. Instead, his eyes were lit by turmoil and anger and madness of either a lunatic or a genius.

Most probably the latter.

Oh, he was smart, she wouldn't deny it. But he used his intelligence elsewhere.

" Her, " he said, tapping the picture. "I want her. She's important. Very important."

" Elias, this does not rest in my area of expertise, " the girl said, tilting her head."It's in yours. "

Elias knocked an eyebrow.

" No. The last time I checked, you were handled the task of child abduction and the obstruction of property. "

" But you want the girl. "

" It's your job to kidnap her."

"If this, " the girl said, pointing to the photo of the victim," is all the information you can get, I'm sorry to say, your mission would be a failure. "

Elias growled, eyes darkening, lips twisting into a sneer.

" Just do your job! How hard is it to kidnap a girl?"

She shook her head. "It's not as easy as you think it is. I need to keep track of the girl's regular activities, where she goes, what time she leaves the house and so on. Without this information, the mission is a no go."

Elias glared. "What do you need?"

The girl crossed her arms. "Her whereabouts is essential. And I'm not only talking about her address. What I'm saying is the places she's going for the summer, who's she's going with, what company she keeps and so on."

Elias huffed and rolled his eyes.

" You're asking me to shadow the girl."

The girl nodded her head. "Yes."

Elias waved a hand at her.

" You'll have better luck with Danny boy. This is his forte. Tell him that I'm using the favour for this. "

The girl blinked. " I see that we're done. "

" I see that too. "

The girl got up from her seat and turned around.

She walked to the door and reached for the doorknob, ready to get out.

But she hesitated.

She turned around to face Elias.

" What did this girl ever do to you? "

Elias shrugged his shoulders, a self satisfied smirk creeping onto his face.

" Nothing. Everything. "

The girl gave a nod." Sure. "

She gave the picture one last look.

The girl in there was smiling, grey eyes twinkling with mischief, brown hair pulled back in a ponytail.

A tanned arm was around a boy, a head taller than her but they both shared similar physical features.

" I hope this brings you satisfaction Elias. "

With that, the girl walked out of the room.

• • •

I know, it's short.

Please don't kill me.

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