Isara Mao

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asukakangleysoryu I hope you like it. Normal high school AU and mao is kinda OOC.


It was almost valentines day and Mao was crowded by girls. "Mao, do you like sweets?" one of the girls asked. "Uh.... Yeah." he answered. Honestly, he didn't care if he got chocolates from anyone, but he cared if he didn't receive any chocolate from the one and only, Sakuma (f/n)(yay. You're Ritsu and Rei's sister.). She was the opposite of her brothers. She was dilligent, smart and gentle. Ritsu and Rei really love their sister and the only person they trusts with their sister is Mao.

(f/n) was also thinking to make chocolates for Mao, the person she loves. The problem is, she was nervous and she is not acting like herself.

Today, the teacher asked (f/n) to tutor Mao and she agreed. As (f/n) tutored Mao, she noticed how handsome his features is(of course!) she began to admire his features, she didn't even realize that she was staring. Mao noticed that she was staring at him and he blushed a little. They're soon trapped in each other's eyes and they began to lean closer and closer.....................


Until the door suddenly opened, revealing, Yuuki Makoto. His eyes widened and he blushed furiously. The two also moved away as they blushed furiously. The room was filled with awkward silence.



(f/n) was about to get the books she left at her desk, until she saw there was two people. Mao and her classmate, Sakana(fish?). "I think (l/n) is really cute!" Sakana said. (f/n) blushed a little. "Ah, I'm sorry. You like her right?" Sakana said. "Idiot. I don't think of her like that. She's just my childhood friend(did I forgot to mention it?)." Mao said. "Jeez, alright." Sakana said and exited the classroom. When he exited the classroom, he saw (f/n). "Wuah! (l/n)?!" Sakana said and she entered the classroom. "I'm sorry, I just forgot my math notebook. I'll be going now" she said as she fake smiled, but tears are falling from her face as she ran away. "(f/n)!" she heard Mao called for her but she didn't stop.

The next day, it was valentines day. It was P.E. and (f/n) couldn't focus at all. "(f/n)! Watch out!" Yui shouted. "Eh?" she couldn't process what yui said as a basketball hit her in the face(this happened to me once. It was really painful). "Kyaa I'm sorry (f/n)!" yui said. "It's okay" (f/n) said. Unconsciously, tears started falling from her face. "Does it hurt? Why are you crying?" Yui asked. (f/n) started to sob.

After P.E. (f/n) was crowded by boys. She was confused as the boys started to praise her. It was when one boy wrap his arm around her shoulder. Mao saw it. "I'm the only who can monopolize (f/n)!" Mao shouted and the room became silent as Mao dragged (f/n) to the backyard.

"What do you want?" (f/n) said and suddenly, Mao embraced her. "I'm sorry, I was just jealous and I don't want Sakana to steal you away from me." Mao said as (f/n) punched his chest lightly. "Idiot...... Do you know how long I waited?" she said. Mao widened his eyes. As he pressed his lips onto hers. After that, they pulled away, panting slightly. They smiled at each other as they walked back to the classroom.

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