Sena Izumi

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Requested by @Ohimi-sama I hope you like it!


Once captured by those eyes, you fall in love instantly. Even if you close your eyes, they are still flickering in the corner of your eyelids.

"Alright, here we go" the photographer said as he took a picture of you. "(Name)-chan smile more" the photographer said as he took another picture of you. You are a high school student and today is your first debut as a model like what you've been dreaming about. Although you were anxious when you were scouted, there might be a chance of meeting the super, super, super famous model, Sena Izumi. Yup, you, (surname) (name) have a selfish motive.

As you were taking a break, you tripped and fell. Also, it seems like your skirt had ridden up (?) a bit. 'So embarrassing!!' You thought as you looked down. "Wow, I can see everything." You heard someone said and you turned around and saw the one and only, Sena Izumi smirking at you. Izumi crouched down and stared at you. "Hey" he started. "Yes?" You responded. He Gave you a hairband as you stared at the hairband. "Are you giving this to me!?" You said as you blushed a little. He smiled at you and took the hairband back. "No I'm not........ You're stuuuupid" he said. "Also, you should wear more appealing panties" he continued as you blushed. "Eh? She's a readers' model? She's so amateur. I doubt we could use her pictures." He continued again, making your blood risen. You throw the magazine with Izumi on the cover in anger. "(Name)-chan, the photoshoot will resume now! Are you okay?" The stylist asked and you put on a fake smile. "I'm fine." You said as you resumed the photoshoot. Izumi watched your photoshoot from afar. "As an amateur, she has some guts" Izumi said as he smirked to himself.


"Good work!" Everyone said as you sighed in relief. "I'm glad everything went well...." You said. As you looked at Izumi, who was chatting with the crew. He noticed that you were looking at him as he also glanced at you. You backed up a little, afraid that he would say something that will humiliate you again. He suddenly grabbed your arm as you gasped. "I will make her to be my girlfriend." He said and your eyes widen at his words. "Eh!? I-Izumi-kun!? G-girlfriend!?" You stuttered as you blushed a little. "Stuuuupid" he said again, making you confused. After the staff explained everything you found out that you were gonna do a photoshoot for a popular makeup ad poster. You blushed as you found out your role was to be Izumi's lover. "I get the role to be his lover!? That's impossible!" You said and all the staff agreed with you. Izumi suddenly pinned you to the wall. "You don't like the role as my lover?" He said as you blushed at your closeness. "see, she has the perfect reaction!" Izumi said, making your blood risen  once again because you found out he was teasing you. 'SO FRUSTRATING!'


"Um...... (Name)-chan, can you smile more naturally?" The photographer said as Izumi scoffed. Today is first day you have photoshoot for the makeup ad poster. You can't seem to smile naturally because of yesterday. "W-well then, in that case let's do the shooting for Izumi first..." The photographer said as your boys was as stiff as a rock. So now you manage to see Izumi work and noticed that he was really professional at this. "Wow.... As I thought, Izumi is special""although he's rude, he can do his work well..." You heard the staffs muttering. He glanced at you and your face instantly flushed. As the photography session ended for Izumi, you ran towards him. "Izumi-kun, you were so cool! As I thought, you are amazing!" You said while smiling widely at him as his eyes widened. He pinched your cheek and pulled it. "You're rude. How can you talk so casually? And call me with '-sama'" he said as he continued to pull your cheek. "Ow! Izumi-hama.." Because he was pulling at your cheek, you couldn't say it properly. "That hurts...." You muttered as he finally let go of your cheeks. "Keep it up for the kissing scene!" Izumi's manager cheerfully said as you froze. "(Name)-chan has guts so it should be fine right". Kissing scene? No one told you about this. You imagined your first kiss would be really special and yet....... "Well then I'm going....." Izumi didn't finish what he said as he saw that you were tearing up. He cupped your cheek and leaned in for the kissing scene. You shut your eyelids tightly. His lips touched the corner of your lips, barely touching your lips as the photographer took the photo. You were surprised. You bowed. "Thank you! Because it's my first time, I wanted to do it with someone I love" you said as Izumi hummed. "Then wouldn't it be alright if you'll just fall in love with me?" He said while taking a strand of your hair and kissing it. Your cheeks flushed red as he smirked. "Because it's just playing a lover's role, right?" With that, he left you red-faced.


"Good morning!" You exclaimed cheerfully as you entered the studio. "Too slow." Izumi said as he saw you. He pinched your cheek and pulled it again. "How could you come later then me?" He asked while he continued to pull your cheek. "I got stowut wy howurowu awn whipped" you said. "What are you saying? I can't understand a word." He said and finally let go of your cheek as you rubbed it. "Um.. So frankly.... It's really frail, that plan of Izumi's" you and Izumi heard to staffs talking but they didn't seem to notice you two. "Then did you see something at the convention?""the girl who's playing his partner looked like Izumi's nomination." Your eyes widened as you heard that they were talking about you. "No way, that's desperate!" They talked and laughed. Izumi couldn't really see your face as he stared at you. You turned around and smiled widely at him. "It's all my fault they're saying bad things about you. I'm sorry!!" You said as you bowed. "I also want to become an amazing model that everyone likes. just like Izumi!" You said as Izumi fake smirked. "Can't wait." He said.


Later, you kept thinking about what Izumi said and blushed. "Can't wait". Then you heard someone knocking at the door. "Is it okay? I'm coming in." That was Izumi's voice. You decide that you didn't want him to see your blushing face as you fake sleep. Izumi entered the room and saw you. He immediately noticed that you were fake sleeping. He stared at your face before leaning forward and pressed his lips to yours. He pulled away and exited the room.  You immediately sat up and you felt your face became hot. 'T-that was a kiss!?' You thought as you cupped both your cheeks. Even though you wanted your first kiss be special, the kiss he gave you wasn't exited the room as you caught up with him. "Izumi-kun!" You shouted and he turned around. "W-why did you kiss me?" You asked as he just deadpanned at you he leaned forward and poked at your forehead. "Ow!" You exclaimed as you rubbed your forehead. "As I thought, you really are stuuuupid." Izumi said as he scoffed. "Hey, what is that supposed to mean!?" You said, angry because he called you stupid. "It means I like you, you airhead." He said as your face flushed again. "Eh? I-I don't know if I like you or hate you!" You exclaimed as Izumi deadpanned at you again. He suddenly smirked. Put his fingers under your chin and forced your chin up. "Then how about learning to fall in love with me?"

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