Anna's P.O.V
Once everyone went to their bedroom I went to mine. Niall was on the bed eating something.
"Niall have you taken a shower?" I asked.
"Yes." He nodded and continued eating.
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yes." He nodded.
"Okay good." I nodded.
"Where are you going?" He asked and stopped eating.
"Nowhere. And what are you eating?" I asked.
"A tamale. It was in the fridge." He answered.
"Ooohhh I love tamales." I smiled.
"Why aren't you in your pjs yet?" He asked.
"Cause I still haven't taken a shower." I answered going towards the closet.
" Oh yeah huh." He nodded.
"Now finish eating your tamale so you can go to sleep." I ordered.
"Not until you finish taking a shower and come lay next to me." He pouted.
"Niall really?" I asked.
"Mhhmm!" He nodded childish.
"Ugghh fine." I groaned and went to the restroom. I turned the water on and stripped down then got in the shower. 15 minutes later I was all done and changed into my pjs. I,walked out, Niall was in the closet.
"Niall what are you doing?" I asked.
"I wanna go through the secret passage." He answered.
"Why?" I asked pulling him out of the closet.
"To see if you guys have food down there." He answered.
"There isn't any food down there. And why don't you just go to the kitchen?" I asked.
"Cause it's dark and lonely." He pouted.
"Wow." I said.
"And what kind of person doesn't have food in a secret passage?!" He asked.
"Me! That's why there's a kitchen." I answered.
"Well you should put food in there." He suggested.
"I'll think about it." I said.
"Fine." He pouted.
"Now go to bed." I ordered.
"Fine. But you have to come too." He said.
"Fine. Let me just turn off the lights." I said. He nodded and went to lay down. I turned off the lights and went to lay down. I wonder if Derek is actually out in the roof?
"Goodnight." Niall said.
"Goodnight." I replied. He turned and threw an arm around me.
"Niall?" I asked.
"Hhmm?" He asked.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Hugging my teddy bear." He answered.
"And since when am I your teddy bear?" I asked.
"Since yesterday. Remember?" He answered kind of sleeping.
"Oh yeah." I nodded.
"Goodnight." He said.
"Goodnight." I replied trying to get loose but it was literally impossible.

Protective Love
FanfictionWhen the best british boyband you love, One Direction, is in danger. Simon Cowell calls for one of the best body guards. And the weirdest,part is,that they're,all girls. All the boys start getting feelings for a girl. Especially Niall. Will the girl...