Niall's P.O.V
After the whole incident we went back to the house. They guys and I were in the backyard.
"Yeah it was awesome!" Zayn exclaimed. We were telling the rest what happened at the store.
"Is it true Niall?" Liam asked.
"What is?" Anna came out of nowhere and asked. How the heck does she do that. Can she hear us from faraway. Does she have super powers. Can she teleport. Can she read my mind?!
"The whole paparazzi thing?" Louis asked.
"I'm not sure if he was really a paparazzi but yeah it happened." She replied.
"It was so cool!" Zayn exclaimed and I nodded.
"Thanks!" She smiled and patted my shoulder.
"I can read your mind." She whispered in my ear. Omg! She can! I knew it! Shit!
"Just kidding Niall. I was just playing around!" She chuckled and left.
"What did she say?" The boys asked.
"Nothing." I replied.
"I see." Zayn smirked.
"Niall what did she say?" Liam asked.
"She scared me." I simply said.
"How? Did she threaten you or something?" Liam asked panicky.
"Dude calm the fuck down. She told me she could read my mind." I replied.
"Everyone can read your mind dude." Louis chuckled.
"Yeah. We all know you like her!" Zayn smirked.
"And!? you like Melissa!" I snapped back.
"I'm not saying I don't." He smirked.
"You didn't denie. You do like her!" Harry chuckled.
"Shut up! She might hear you!" I blushed.
"Dude you have no chance with her ." Harry said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"She's suppose to be your bodyguard not your girlfriend. And either way she has a boyfriend." Liam said.
"What?" I think my heart just broke into pieces.
"Yeah. What's his name?" Louis started snapping his fingers.
"Logan." Liam replied.
"Yeah that guy." Louis chuckled.
"How do I know you guys aren't lying?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Maria!" Someone shouted. We all looked through the backyard door. I saw Anna hugging a girl, she was taller then her. We all stood up and went inside. The girl asked Anna something.
"Guys this is my big sister Maria and Maria this are the guys. We are their somewhat bodyguards." Anna introduced us.
"Hello! I'm Maria." She greeted.
"Hi,I'm Liam!" Liam greeted.
" I'm Harry!" Harry smiled.
"I'm Zayn!" Zayn introduced.
"I'm Louis!" Louis almost shouted.
"I'm Niall." I smiled.
"And together we are!" Louis shouted.
"One Direction!" We all sang.
"Cool. I've heard of you guys!" Maria nodded.
"Babe where do I put this?" A guy came in and asked Maria.

Protective Love
Fiksi PenggemarWhen the best british boyband you love, One Direction, is in danger. Simon Cowell calls for one of the best body guards. And the weirdest,part is,that they're,all girls. All the boys start getting feelings for a girl. Especially Niall. Will the girl...