*Chapter 13*

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I hid behind the door and waited for Anna to walk by. She was teaching me what to do if I'm ever attacked and she can't help me. We were in a private paintball field. Only her and I. The other guys decided to do something else with the rest of the girls. I don't mind. As long as I'm with Anna. I clutched my paintball gun as I heard footsteps.

"I know you're here Niall. I'm coming for you." I heard her say. I quietly walked away from behind the door to a window at the side of the house. I quickly climbed out and quietly walked around the house. I saw Anna walking towards the door where I was. I clutched my paintball gun and aimed. I pulled the trigger and it hit her right leg.

"Really Niall? On the leg?" She laughed turning around.

"I don't want to hurt you." I told her.

"Don't worry you won't. Aim for the chest." She stated drawing an X on her chest with her finger. I nodded and aimed. Okay Niall. You got this. It won't hurt her. But what if does? I stopped aiming.

"What if I do hurt you?" I asked. She laughed.

"You won't. So cmon shoot." She said.

"You shoot me first." I told her.

"But then I would win this game." She stated.

"I don't care." I said.

"No. You shoot me." She shook her head.

"No. You shoot me." I denied.

"Niall just shoot me."

"No. You shoot me first. I want to see if it hu-" Before I could finish I felt the paint hit my leg. It hurt, it stinged.

"Now you shoot." She told me.

"I thought you said at the chest?"

"I did. But if I shoot you there I would have won." She stated." Now shoot me."

"No. You shoot me. Right here on the chest and win." I told her.

"Niall. Cmon just please shoot me." She glared at me irritation filling her voice.

"Nope." I denied.

"I don't want to win." She said.

"Me either." I replied.

"Just shoot me." She begged.


"Niall cmon. And next game I'll win."


"Just shoot." She whined.

"Nope. You shoot me right here on the chest. If you don't I wo-" She sighed and quickly lifted the paintball gun and pulled the trigger. It hit me directly in the chest. Ow.

" There. Happy?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Now shoot me." She said.


"Niall! Just freaking shoot me!" She shouted.

"Fine." I pouted and aimed. I pulled trigger and it hit her chest.

"Finally." She sighed.

"I'm hungry." I stated.

"Lets go eat something then. I'm done  playing paintball especially with you." She stated.

"Hey!" I glared at her. She started walking towards the exit. We went to a restaurant near by.

"Have you talked to Logan?" I asked, it's been 4 days since that night and I haven't seen Logan step in the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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