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LUV THIS TOO! Btw, the first person who spots the 'cat salute' gets the cahpt. after next dedicated to them. <3 Ladybug out!

Something itches me on the way to the balcony and pick up a strand of sparkly black dog hair from my neck. I stare at it for a second and then remember.






Running now I thrust open the balcony doors, not caring who heard me. Rushing to the balcony rail I start to open my mouth to call him and hear the howl of a wolf.

The howl is low and crooning, as if to say I’m right here. Javed steps out of the woods, flanked by a…no two…two…two panthers?!?!?!?! Both panthers are hissing and scowling in the only way cats can and Javed looks determined.

JAVED!” I call, and vault over the balcony, not caring how far away it was to the ground or the fact that I wasn’t wearing any shoes. Javed’s growl of warning echoed for a moment in my head and the next thing I knew I hit the ground, on my feet and hands in a crouch. Not caring about the fact that most people would’ve fallen flat on their face I trip-run to Javed and bury my face into his fur.

Somehow, somewhere, Javed had come to represent family. He represented love and protection. As much as it shames me to say it, I would’ve kept him for Tycal in a heartbeat but I felt like I knew him enough to say that I would’ve never had to face that decision.

Both Panthers halted when they saw how I clung to Javed. Snarling at Javed one last time they bounded back into the forest.

I was brought back to reality with the feel of a rough tongue on my face, licking the salty tears that I had noticed on my face.

I looked at Javed, saw the love in his eyes, and smiled.

He butted my face with his broad yet elegant muzzle and I kissed his head, my trembling fingers  stroking his thick, gold black ruff.

I took a deep breath and spoke for the first time since calling the name of a rabid wolf like mad woman; “Javed, can you leap from here to the balcony?

Javed whuffed in my face and I smiled, climbing onto his back yet again. Burying my face back into his cinnamon fur I sighed with contentment as he took a running leap and scrabbled his claws over the wrought iron railing of the balcony.

Now that I had Javed, I was only tired-dead tired. Wearily I shut the balcony doors, Javed at my heels, and trudged to the bed.

I tapped Javed on the head when I noticed him start to curl up on the rug near my bed.

I needed him closer.

Javed, following my eyed form the bed to him, barked softly in acknowledgement and jumped smoothly into the bed. After he was safely under the covers I crawled in after him, my back to the wolf I’d just invited to my bed. Not caring about the dog hair that was sure to cover my pillow in the morning I snuggled my back closer to the canine’s heat. When I felt the huge head right behind mine I reached out and tugged the lamp, effectively plunging the room into darkness. Shivering in fear I hastily turned to face Javed and fell asleep to the comforting beat of his heart.

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