The Kiss (Adam)

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For: ellasfood
Ella's POV:

"Ella," called my teacher. Mister Anderson was handing out our science tests, and as always, I was the last person to get one. Everybody's eyes followed my every move as I walked between the desks to get one paper.

I took my test out of Mister Anderson's hand and took a peak. Written on it was a big, red "F." One of the nerds who sat in the front, Chase, let out a little chuckle. He was always sticking his nose in other students business. What could make that even worse?

I was dating his brother.

"Sit down Ella," my teacher said. Mister Anderson had no expression on his face, but pointed to my desk. I made my way through the desks again and sat down, listening to the next science lesson.


"Hey Princess," said a familiar voice. I turned my head only a little and saw Adam. I smiled and he did the same.

"I failed my science test," I said, and he hugged me, but tighter than he normally would.

"That's okay," he replied. Adam's eyes widened. "Why don't you ask my brother for help?" It was my turn to widen my eyes. He raised an eyebrow and I shook my head no.

"Why not?" He asked. I sighed. Chase was the most annoying person I had ever met.

"Fine," I agreed. Adam nodded his head and kissed my forehead.


"Hello Ella," said someone, in an annoying voice. I turned around to see my boyfriend's brother. What a party.....

"Let's get this over with!"

"Ella," he said, elbowing me in the shoulder. "Don't be such a downer! I promise you will have fun!" I laughed. School is never fun!

"If you say so," I finish. Chase starts taking all these science textbooks out of his backpack. He picks one up that says "chemistry" and slowly opens the blue book.

He starts reading over and over again. It was like torture listening to all the words he was saying. All things about topics I don't know anything about. But all of a sudden, Chase's hand met my face and he pulls me in. We kiss and honestly I hated every moment of it. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me.

"What's going on here?" Asked someone. We quickly pull apart and I see Adam. His facial expression makes him look like a mix of angry and sad, which he probably is. He took off running out of the room and I go after him.


"Adam!" I yell. I've been chasing after him for so long, and I'm exhausted from all the running. He finally turns around. "What?" He asks.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen. He pulled me in for a kiss and I couldn't escape." I said, with the sweetest voice I could make. I gave him puppy dog eyes, which always worked.

"That may be true Ella, but I'll never forget about this," he said, breaking my heart.

"Just don't think about it," I said. I was about to give up, but Adam got an idea, but not a brilliant one.

"I got it!" He said. "I just won't think! Then I won't remember this!" I laughed, and patted him on the back. To top it all off, he kissed me and I kissed him back. This time, it was right.

That's my boyfriend.

Hey! I'm sorry for the wait ellasfood ! I hope you enjoyed your request! -XOXO, Anna💕💕

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