Like Father, Like Daughter (Kaz)

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Imagine for @MariaHamato

Maria Hamoto was a super villain in training. For the past three years, all she had done everyday was practice kicking, punching, and destroying things with her evil father, Victor Hamoto. Not to mention she also had well working teleportation, super speed, and invisibility. After those three years, Maria was ready for her first attempt at destroying humanity.

Victor had left a lasting mark on humanity. He almost destroyed all of the eastern hemisphere on many occasions. But after many years of fighting, his daughter was taking over, and the super heroes that protected earth had no idea what she was capable of.

But Kaz, a doctor at a hospital for super heroes, was determined to find out.

For the past six months, Kaz had been tracking Maria down. And now he was prepared to face her on his own. He had tracked her to France, a place which her father had used as his hideout.

Like father, like daughter, Kaz thought.

Kaz traveled to Paris, and searched until he found her at The Arc of Triomphe, which-in his opinion-was an awful hiding place because it is on the busiest street in France.

But he did see her, and unlike what he expected, she was beautiful. Her hair flowed down her back, and her eyes lit up the world. It was such a shameful shock this girl was trying to destroy the world, it was almost hard to believe it.

Maria turned and saw Kaz, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Kaz replied, "I'm Kaz, and I'm here to stop you from making a huge mistake."

Maria stared him in the eyes, and responded with, "I'm only carrying my father's legacy. He wasn't able to finish destroying the human race, and so I have to finish for him."

"That's where you're wrong," Kaz started, Maria looked at him, this time, she was puzzled. "You don't have to finish his legacy. His legacy can die with him. You need to follow your heart."

"Nonsense!" Maria fired back.

"You can have a great life without pleasing your father. Do what makes you the happiest person in the world."

Maria thought about what he said. The last three years of her life had been spent doing whatever her father wanted, not what she wanted. What she wanted to do was use her powers for good purposes. And so she decided evil was not the path for her.


Four years later

A body was rushed into Mighty Med, the hospital for super heroes. Kaz and his best friend Oliver were on the scene. Kaz was ready to go, until he realized the super hero on the hospital bed was his girlfriend, Maria.

You see, over the past four years, Maria did exactly what she wanted. She used her powers to help people, much to her father's dismay. Kaz helped her cope with his disapproval, and along the way they feel in love.

Maria was off fighting Experion, a super villain that used to be friends with Skylar Storm, who is a fellow super hero and Maria's friend. Experion used a newly acquired energy blast ability to badly injure her, which led her to Mighty Med.

Kaz was nervous for his girlfriend, nervous she wouldn't make it. But with Oliver and him on the job, she made it out okay. Maria, the ex super villain, and now super hero, was going to be ready to continue fighting crime in a matter of days. 


Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this imagine! I'm sorry for the wait @MariaHamato! 

-XOXO, Anna💕💕

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