Chapter Eleven

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*Niall's POV.*

No no no! This can NOT be happening!! I run up to reception.

"Did Emma Horan get here yet?"

"What are your relations to Miss. Horan?"

"I'm her father."

"She's here but she's in surgery. She got quite a lot of damage to her left arm. The boy she was with shielded her from the other car so he got most of the impact."

"Yeah, Chris Levins. Her boyfriend. How's he?"

"Surgery. I can't tell you anything else. Sorry sir."

"Thank you." Niall said walking away from the desk and pulling out his phone and calling Liam.


"Liam, Em and Chris got in a crash. Can you come down to the hospital?"

"Yeah, of course. Are they okay?"

"Emma should be fine. Chris did his best to shield her from the truck. But they won't tell me about Chris because I'm not related to him in anyway."

"We all know you're his future father-in-law."

"Can we not talk about this right now?"

"Yeah. Sorry. Well, let me drive yeah. I'll be there soon. I promise."

"Thanks Liam."

"No problem Niall."

I hang up the phone and shove it in my pocket and go and sit down in one of the chairs and run my hand through my hair. This can't be happening! A few minutes later and a doctor comes out.

"Emma Horan's family?"

I stand up and walk over to the doctor.

"How is she?"

"First I need to know your relations to Miss Horan?"

"I'm her father."

"Okay, well she didn't get to much impact. The major injuries are; her left arm is broken, and she has a few bruises ribs. Thankfully none of those are broken. Her minor injuries are; her body is scratched up pretty bad, she's got some bruising on her head but those bruises are just normal bruises and nothing compared to what's going on with her ribs. The main reason we had to do surgery was because she had glass all up in her right arm. Her right arm is fine though. She didn't need as many stitches as we originally thought she would. Now, that being said she may or may not slip into a coma. She hasn't woken up yet which is strange. We're just taking precautions. There'a a big chance she won't but there's still that slight chance that she will."

"What about the boy she was with? Christopher Levins?"

"I'm sorry I can't release any information about Mr.Levins to anybody but his immediate family."

"His mum is dead his father is in the hospital. At the moment Emma and I are all he has."

"I'm sorry Mr.Horan, I could lose my license and job if I tell you. The only thing I can tell you is that at the time being he'll be fine."

"Okay. Thank you."

"No problem."

"Can I see Em?"

"Of course. Follow me."

I follow the doctor to Emma's room.

"Here you are sir."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The doctor says as he walks away. I take a deep breath preparing myself for what I might see. I walk in her room and see her hooked up to a few machines, a cast on her left arm, a few bandages on her right and you can see her bandages through her hospital gown. My sweet beautiful angel. I sit next to her hospital bed and brush the hair out of her face. Her face is extremely scratched up. My God. She slightly groans. I hope she wakes up soon. I need her to wake up.

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