Phase1: Helicopters and Hazing

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“Last chance, old man. Where is it?” I seethed.

The man stared at me, frozen in a state of panic, not saying anything.

“My patience is wearing thin, geezer.”   


“Fine, you don’t want to tell me? Well then have fun falling out the window.”

Casually, I kicked the chair he was strapped down to through the fancy French window of the eightieth floor. I laughed as he screamed his lungs out while falling to his death. Ah ,who am I kidding? I can’t kill an elderly.

Pulling out my tranquilizer gun, I shot him in the shoulder and levitated him back up.

“Frickin' old people,” I mutter under my breathe. Suddenly realization dawned on me. “Wait, how am I supposed to get you to headquarters?” 

Looking around for anything that would help me carry the old fart down eighty flights of stairs while still looking inconspicuous, I finally spotted it. “Perfect,” I said to myself.


“Theodora Hale! What is the meaning of this?” Director Thorne bellowed. I tried to hold in my laughter at his anger and frustration, not to mention the bulging vein on the side of his head.

“I think it means that I did my job and I can go get some lunch now, bye,” I said then turned to leave.

“Theodora Hale, stop,” he ordered calmly. Much to my dismay, my feet planted themselves to the ground against my will. Don’t listen, don’t listen, don’t listen. I chanted in my head. Just keep walking.

“Turn around.”   Too late.  


Doing as he said, I took a seat in front of his ridiculously expensive mahogany desk. What’s the deal with mahogany anyways? I bet at least half of these ‘mahogany’ desks aren’t even real. If I wanted a quality desk, I would go into the forest, chop a tree down and make one myself. Who even made that word up? Mahogany, it’s a weird word.

“Miss Hale, you know how much I hate using Persuasion,” he sighed. I felt kind of bad; Director Hunter Thorne may look like a tough guy with his muscles, super…well, everything, a hard cold glare, and the ability of manipulate anyone with just the sound of his voice, but underneath all that was a nice dude.

“I know and I’m sorry,” I said sincerely. After a moment, I smiled,” But honestly, you aren't the least bit thankful? I got you a HELICOPTER! Not to mention a limited edition Victoria Secret Pink suitcase."  

Director smiled a bit and said, “I will let this go, but next time I tell you to retrieve a target, please follow protocol.

“Will do, sir,” I said, giving him a mock salute and turning to leave.

“Oh, and Miss Hale,” he added, “We have some new recruits and I am assigning you to give them orientation and a tour of the bunker.”

“What?” I groaned," you just said that you would let it go." 

“I did,” he said, a smug smile forming on his face," this is for operating a helicopter without a license." 

"Seriously?" I said as I started leaving the room.

“Hey, and no hazing those kids, Hale!” he shouted as I left.

“No promises!”


“Okay, guys. So I bet we all know why we’re here today.”  Man, I hated orientation duty. Sometimes it was kind of fun, seeing all the new recruits with their extraordinary talents, but there were those few that absolutely didn’t want to be here and were scared out of their minds about what was going to happen to them.

“Yeah, we’re all freaks,” some kid in the back shouted.

Oy, one of these kids. “No, we’re not all freaks. But I’m not gonna lie, we’re not normal either. We’re Anomalies, and that’s something each and every one of you should be proud of.”

“Yeah guys! Say it with me. I’M A FREAK AND I’M PROUD!!!” the same kid bellowed at the top of his lungs.

“Close enough, “I sighed,” Kay, follow me guys.”

We walked (okay I made them run, especially that one smart aleck,) to the training hall, only stopping to quickly point out certain important locations.

“Okay, so who knows what the whole point of the STAR is?” I asked. Only one hand shot up.

”If this is going to be something stupid Felix, then put your hand down.”  The smart aleck kid, whose name I learned was Felix, looked a little dejected as he slowly lowered his hand. Serves him right.

“It’s a place where kids with certain special abilities can learn how to harness their powers and ultimately become spies who can go on missions and find others like us and stuff,” a little girl stated as if it were obvious.

“Ah, a mind reader," I guessed.

"Pamphlet," the little girl said, pulling a sheet of folded square paper out of her back pocket.

     Well, that's awkward.

“I don’t get it, “said Felix,” why become spies? I mean it’s cool and all, but why can’t we be superheroes or something?”   A couple kids murmured in agreement. I sighed and rubbed my temples, feeling guilty for having to break the news to them.

“Okay, look guys,” I bent down to their little eight-ish year old height,” Have you guys ever seen those movies or shows on TV where there’s a superhero and he or she has to keep their identity a secret because there’s a bunch of bad guys after them and the government wants to capture them and perform all kinds of crazy tests on them?” They all nodded.

“Yeah, well it could happen. In fact, it has happened and is happening right now. Somewhere, in the world at this very second, there's a kid about your age being tortured and manipulated just because of who they are."

A few kids look worried, but I continue.

"But see, the STAR was created to protect people like us by teaching us how to become the most elusive, secretive type of people known to man-a spy- so that, that doesn’t happen. And I don’t know, maybe sometime in the future, when people like us are more accepted, maybe we can become superheroes or whatever. But until, then we’re just gonna have to settle for spies.”

Everyone was quiet for a while, still trying to digest what I just told them. Oh, God, I just officially took what was left of their childhood.

“Anyways, let’s finish check out the training hall, and then we can go eat.”    


Okay. first chapter is up. I am currently writing this in the safety of my bathroom because my crazy, annoying neighbors are having mental breakdowns. Also my sister doesn't know I have her laptop. Next chap coming soon. Vote, Comment. and Follow.<3 BysiesGuysies=P


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