Part 1

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Madison smiled to herself as she felt the bump of her horses hooves on the dirt path of the forest. Because her father owned many acres of land, Madison never got bored and was always exploring, usually on the back of her favourite horse NightFoot, a sleek black stallion with a need for speed.(hence the name NightFoot) The bad part about exploring was that she was never allowed to go alone. Madisons guards trotted closer to her than necessary, swords sharpened and at the ready. Her father was always worried that someone was going to break through the already highly secure 10ft walls, kill every single one of her 8 trained from birth guards and kidnap her for ransom. Madison knew it was no use trying to reason with him- Lord Redwood had a will of steel and would not budge. At least Odelia- the closest thing she had to a friend- and her distant cousin Logan were allowed to come with her. For cousins, they looked remarkably alike. They both had beautiful gleaming platinum hair and sea green eyes with tanned skin. They were both incredibly beautiful. But these two were the only people she had ever met. She longed to go outside the garden walls and explore the country her father practically owned. Suddenly the guards were to close and the air became to clammy. There was only one place Madison could go. She pretended to head to the front of the group of guards to talk with the leader and as he turned to her she gently tapped NightFoots sides with her feet, but hard enough so she knew what to do. NightFoot sped away to where she knew Madison wanted to go. The last thing she heard was Odelias sigh as she sped away through the emerald trees of the forest.

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