Part 2

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Of course he knew where she'd went. Logan had followed her to her haven. Damn him! The only problem with leaving the guards behind- he always followed her. About six years ago when she was about ten, Madison had managed to sneak out her bedroom window and shimmy down the drainpipe- Logan followed her. She wandered the forest and stumbled across her haven. Some very spikey fir trees opened up to a beautifully laid out clearing with jewel green grass and lovely weeping willows and cherry blossoms and small hills. There were different animals there too- from little bluebirds to rabbits to carp fish in the pond of the waterfall. The waterfall was the jem of the haven; the fast flowing water gave way to the crystal blue carp pond, with water clean enough to drink. Madison sat there now with her feet dangling off the edge of the land and moving them through the silky water. Logans horse could be heard only slightly over the sound of the water. It took him a good long while to tie up his horse and all the while Madison felt his eyes on her back, probably to make sure she didn't bolt again. Logan always looked at her. She didn't know why-  Odelia said it was because she was beautiful and that he found her attractive. Madison didn't believe that. She had never found herself any more than pretty. With her deep sandy gold hair and sapphire eyes, she often wondered when she was younger if she was related to a sea goddess ( or mermaid, as some call them). They were only myths though- at least that's what her father said. As we're pegasi and angels. Mystical rubbish he'd said. Madison had always wondered.... She felt Logan sit down beside her and pull his riding boots off.
"Those guards are going to go deaf from your father's screaming if you continue to run off like that" he told her. She frowned and watched the water.
"Well they obviously weren't paying very much attention if I was able to escape so easily"
"You speak as if your home was a prison" he looked at her.
"You have no idea what it's like to not be able to go outside these gardens and see the world. What about when I'm a woman? Lady of Erias? I don't know the man ill be married to if father has his way, it'll be some rich and powerful son of one of his friends I suppose. I don't want to marry an airhead" she lay down- something that her father would of lost his head at her for- and looked him. "No offense"
Logan gave her a lazy grin and lay down next to her.
"Just don't get married then. It is an unnecessary thing for a woman like yourself. You're powerful without a man Madison" Madison smiled inwardly. How did he know exactly what to say to her? She put her hand on his upturned palm. Rough, warm and calloused from years of sword practice and sparring. Logan looked at her. "Thank you Logan." She smiled at him. "Madison I-" shouts could be heard- shouts of the guards and- oh gods above. Her father was calling for her. She was going to get hell for this one. Without a second thought, Madison ripped her hand away from Logans and threw on her riding boots. She ran across to NightFoot and was mounted in an instant. She was already galloping towards the field by the time Logan had mounted his horse.
Lord Redwood was furious with her. It had been nearly a week and Madison still hadn't been allowed outside her quarters. She'd been served meals in her room and had had no contact with anyone apart from servants. She had no particular desire to anyway. Madison was still so angry at her father and it seemed it was the same for the Lord seeing her current position. She was sure Odelia would be as diplomatic as ever and say little to nothing on the subject and that the telling off Logan got would put him off talking to her for a while.
Madison looked up from her window seat and paused her reading long enough for her to see it is. Madison went right back to reading. Lord Albert Redwood stood in the doorway, a hulking menace to most. Madison flipped a page. "You can ignore me all you like. It was dangerous and improper-" "Father I highly doubt a rabbit is going to see me as a threat and try to kill me. There are no threats in the manor gardens" She said flatly. "Speak to me like that again and I'll make it two weeks your in here." Albert snapped. She glowered at him out the corner of her eye. "I'm out the country for a few days on political business. Don't get yourself into any trouble while I'm gone, or there'll be consequences when I return. You are free from your rooms." With that, he strode on his heel and left. Madison stared at the door for a long while after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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