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"Stupid police", Jacob muttered to himself as he drove back home. The police had made Jacob pay heavy fines for the false alarm. Everybody at the police station looked at him funny after he insisted that there was a severed face in his bathroom. The policeman offered him a coupon for 10% on therapy lessons. Jacob shuddered. How embarrassing. He parked his car into the garage an walked into his home. Immediately he was hit with an overwhelming scent. He covered his nose and retched in disgust. It was the unmistaken smell of decaying flesh. He ran to the bathroom. The face was still smiling, as if mocking him for his stupidity. The area of the wall around it was molding and peeling off. Jacob became infuriated. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!", he roared as he pulled at the face with all his might. But the face wouldn't budge. Jacob stalked off, fuming. Minutes later he returned with a hammer and nail. He smashed the wall repeatedly. The smashing continued late into the night.

As the morning son rose the next day, neighbors noticed a figure emerging from the house. Jacob stood there, his hair unkempt, his shirt torn, his fingers bleeding. He looked like a madman. But he held up the piece of the wall that held the face triumphantly. Jacob returned into his house, finally at peace with himself. He had defeated the face on the wall. Now it was time for him to relax. It was a weekday after all. Jacob sat down, a hot cup of tea in one hand and the remote for the television in the other. Flash trotted to Jacob and whimpered. Jacob turned on the television and patted the Labrador. The television was all static. Weird. I just got this thing. Jacob sipped his tea and checked the wires behind the television. His eyes widened and his entire body shook. There, right under the television, was another face. He turned around. The dining room table had another face on it. So did the living room. Faces from different people, and they all shared the same bloody smile, their eyes staring into the very soul Jacob.

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