Epoch One: Left Behind

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"T minus ninety seconds till lift off." a loud, bionic voice echoed around the shuttle. Six-year-old Thorne Crimson Thyme watched from inside the big building. Steam erupted from the space shuttle. The shuttle that held his dad. He didn't really know what was going on, but his dad said that it was his birthday surprise. Even though Thorne's dad did know that it was a surprise, he had told him in a woeful tone.

"T minus sixty seconds."

One minute. One minute till the surprise came. Thorne was standing next to his aunt, Caramel Thyme, who was praying in an odd manner. Thorne walked through the room, looking at all the commotion. Everyone was screaming and sweating all over the place. There were rows and rows of computers facing a giant screen with the space ship displayed on it.

"T minus thirty seconds."

Thorne didn't understand why everyone was screaming, but he certainly knew that there was no challenge in a space ship lift off. He had done it many times with ease- well, it was pretend but what's the difference?

Thorne went back up to the screen. "T minus zero seconds. Preparing lift off. 10..."

All of a sudden everyone silenced and looked at the screen. Everything began to shake. Thorne ran to his aunt and grabbed her leg for stability. His dirty blonde hair rubbed against the black pant leg of Caramel Thyme. He shut his eyes closed and hugged her leg. He felt a hand fall on his head.

A bloodcurdling boom erupted around the building. "5..."

Everyone sat down and started watching the space ship on the screen. "4... 3... 2...1..."

The ship left. Everyone cheered.

Thorne watched the screen, confused. Where was his dad going? "Aunt Caramel," he asked. "Where is dad going?"

Aunt Caramel looked down at him with sorrow. "Out of this galaxy." Thorne pieced the words together. Out? That meant he was leaving? How long? Why? Was he coming back?

Thorne gaped at her. That was the surprise?  Thorne ripped off the wrist watch his father gave him this morning and smashed it to the floor. "NO!"   Thorne grumbled and ran out of the room.


Thorne ran down the hall weeping. Why didn't his father just say that he was going to leave? He wouldn't of thrown a tantrum! Thorne stopped running. Well, maybe he would've... Thorne screamed and kicked the wall. "DAD!" he sunk down into a crouch and picked at the blue carpet. Swallowing back tears, he got up and walked back down the hall. He at least wanted to savor every moment he was on earth.

Thorne looked around. How was he going to get back to aunt Caramel? Thorne wandered the halls. He walked into a room filled with space ship models. "Oh!" he said. Grabbing one of the spaceships, he dragged it across the walls of the room. Standing up upon one of the desks, he jumped off making plane sounds.

Thorne ran out of the room and sprinted down the halls with the space ship. However, while Thorne was running, a beeping noise exploded through the halls. "FLIGHT 6903 UNDETECTED. CONNECTION LOST."

What did that mean? Thorne kept running. Was it about the space ship? Thorne looked up at the ceiling. All of a sudden, the lights went off. Thorne yelled, "Hello?" Thorne looked in front of him way too late, there was a wall.  THORNE!  

Thorne woke up, head against a wall.  He struggled to stand up, feeling slightly dazed.  The halls were dark, but sun light was peeking through the windows from rooms.  Where was he?  

shaking his head he started to remember the space ship.  The watch.  Thorne continued down the hallway until he found an staircase.  He ran up to it.  He was about to go down when a glint caught his eye.  Something shiny was in the room next to the stairs.  

He went inside to see his shattered watch on the floor.  A screen hung up on the wall in front of him, rows and rows of computers on tables.  Where he had seen his dad leave.  

Taking the broken watch, he walked back onto the staircase.  He went down to ground level and stood outside the abandoned building.  Looking around, he spotted giant screen on the building wall.  It was the news.  

"Today, one of our first astronauts to go out of the Milkyway has left, but under extreme disconnection, this man and his crew has been released into space unsupervised..."  

Thorne swallowed.  His dad was lost in space?  Plopping down onto his knees, he checked the time of his watch.  "8:44,"  he said.  "I'll find you dad, at 8:44.  August fourth 8:44."  

He choked on his own tears.  "See you on the other side."  

See you on the other side.

Thanks for reading the first part to Flawless!  If you've writen a sci-fi book on aliens, I am a big fan.  Comment down below and don't forget to vote :)         

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