chapter 21

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The dress Zayden has on

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The dress Zayden has on.

The suits Rhys,Linc, and Peirce wears

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The suits Rhys,Linc, and Peirce wears.

This song is Rhys life song I hope you like i. also who can guess what it is off of with out looking it up.

Rhys p.o.v

All three of us guys are ready. But Zayden has yet to come down stairs. As no one talks I start thinking about this morning. And how she was trying to avoid me as possible. So I am going to do what ever it takes to get her. But right now I am seeing what is taking her so long.
As so as I open the door into our room. I hear the bathroom door being closed. So I head to the closed door that hides Zay from me. Knocking on the door to have her not answer it.

"Zay open up." I asked her but she still did not answer me. "I am coming in." Turning the knob to see it is unlocked so I step in and close it behind me.

" Why did you leave me like you did?" She looked p at me with tears in her eyes and down her cheeks.

" It does not matter I came back that's all that matters." I tell her back walking closer to her.

Seeing something evil flash though her eyes. Then in that moment her lips found mine. Pulling her to me as I lick her bottom lip asking for permission. She final gave it to me and my tongue took it. Her hands found the hem of my jacket and shirt start to take it off of me. We are both now left in our under clothing and I am not going to let it end yet.

I grab the bottom of her dress and pulled it up to her waist. Seeing she has on black laced underwear on. She starts getting my dress pants off when I fell her hand on my dick. And that gets it really hard. I need her here and now and her teasing me is making me get tired of it.
Getting out of my boxers and pants to be standing bare naked in front of her. Pulling her underwear down to her ankles. Then all I see is lust in her eyes so I take her now.

Zayden p.o.v

It feels like he is ripping me up from down then. With every thrash he goes fast and a whole lot deeper. Then I remember we do not have any protection.

" Wwe neeed to stop." I try to say but it comes out like a moan.

" But why I no you want me." He says picking up the pace.

" I know but we need to get to the party." And with that she ends up walking to the door putting her underwear on and fixing her dress.

I groan getting up from the bed and following her out of the room. As we get down the stairs Linc and peirce is already at the door. Linc opens the door for her then close it right before I walk out behind her.

" If you hurt her I will kill you." Linc spoke to me and I no he is not joking.

" Okay now can we go." I tell him back moving him to get the door open.

Peirce though I was a go idea to put Linc in the back with Zay. But I don't like it because she is my girl I get his sister. But I am on of the best things for her. And he just can't see it and I don't know what he is going to do when he see Duke. Since the moment I left I feel alone I know Zay likes me but I am still all alone. One thing I wish I could do is tell her why I left then why I came back but I can't.

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