Second day!

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Carlos' PoV

Hey everyone,My name is Carlos Smith,18 yrs old..Im a Varsitarian of Basketball here in SUA..If I describe myself I look like a gangsters but im not..Lol,Anyways I hve a girlfriend whos name is JENNA MAE EVANS,Its sounds familiar right but its not JENNA HENDERSON,Lol... Jenna,she's my everything I cant live w/o her..

I once Got the chance to.get the.number of Jenna to my classmates,it was 091********

I was really happy that I got again a chance to say sorry and To bring us back together again

But I.was def. wrong.when I call her Shes acting like sh*t,she doesnt even know me..The F**k!


"Hello?" She said in a low tone.

"Hey Sweetie" I said..It feels.good to talk to her againcx

"Sorry But you got the wrong number" She said in the phone w/ and irritated tone.

"Jen,Pls stop being like that..Ik I hurt you so much but I still love you.Im sorry ok?" Why is she this since we broke.up!

"Whatever..You Hurt me so much..And dont you ever talk to me like that..If I was like this then you dont have to care it anymore" shes now shouting..why is this happenin to me!

"Im sorry Sweetie..its just that I still love you" I a lovely.voice. "Just leave me alone..Bye" She said then hung up the phone...

=======End of Flashback!

"Dude,u okay?" Jason ask me with a concerned look..I invited them to come over my house nd drink some beers..

"Do I look okay?,,Shes acting like sh't" I said

"Ohh..chillax..wer just askin u..So whats ur plan?" Henry of my bandmates..Jason is one also my bandmates..

"Bro,U should try to move on..there are many girls out there..not just Jenna..Shes now a junk" Vann said..That makes. me want to punch him..I stood up and grab hisShirt..

"Dont u ever say that to Jen,U dont know how shes important to me..And U dont even care about love" I said shoutin at him while grabbing his shirt..

"Ohh..Sorry bro..Im peace out..Goodluck bro!" Vann said while hes walkin out of my pool area..

"Bro,Vanns right..U should try to change..Try to move on..wer out now bro..see yah around tomorrow at school.."  Jason said..

while they r all leavin..

"Fine guys..You want that..Then I wouldn't do.that! " I said and sit down then drink beer alone..

Why Is this day like this..I dont know how can I solve my problems..Hate this Day...

====End of Carlos Pov!

Charlie's PoV

Hey,My name is Charlie Rei Romero..Im 18 yrs.Old..I hve a bestfriend whose name is Jenna..I really loved her..I never tell my feelings at all..I dont want to break our friendship cuz its hard for me to go and never see each other again so I made my decision which is to go on America and study there and hve a new life and forget anything what feelings I have for jenna..


"Dad,Can I talk to u?!" I said at dad..

"Sure son,what is it?" asked dad.

"Dad I want to accept ur offer" Ik..hes shocked in what i said..

"C-can you please repeat what u said son? O.O" is he deaf to repeat what i said..Duh!

"Dad,are u deaf or ur just acting? duh! "

"I just want to clarify what just did u say..anyways im so proud of u son that u accept my offer" he said with a big smile...

"Just to understand why i accept a reason"

"what is the reason son?" asked dad while he sit again on his swivel chair and look at his laptop..

"its bcuz of jenna..I do hve feeling for her..and I want to forget it..i dun want to ruin our friendship..and Tomorrow eve i'll confess my feelings for her and tell her my decision of living and staying up in new york to forget everything but not her..I just want to get some space when I told her the true.." I said..This decision is hard for me..but..I'll try to do my very best to get over it..

", if your decision is final then i dun hve to do with it..If this one want u to make u happy then lets do this in the very fast way.."dad said then sit in his swivel chair properly..

++++++End of Flashback..

I already told jenna about my feelings for her and I know she cant give back the feelings I hve..But i understand her i know that people hve a decision is to wait for my destiny and love in the right time..

"Are you ready son?" asked dad..Ohh..Im going now to new york I want this to be done in a fast way..

"Yes dad..Just tell jenna if she come in our house that I am very sorry for leaving with no words or message at her..and tell her that i will always love her and never ever forget about her.." i was not trying to cry...I hate cryin..hahha...okay..

"Pls proceed to the terminal blah blah..for the flight to new york..." the speaker said in the airport..

"so dad see yah next time I think..hehe..dont forget what you'll say to jenna when she come around okay..Love yah dad..." I said and hug dad and go on and wave at him for the last time...

My tears running down at my face..I will truly miss her...but this decision is just right for me and for her..soo..jenna I want u to know how much i love you and care about you..Dont worry ill come back for you and never ever let you go,,,..You'll see the NEW CHARLIE..

Jenna's PoV

I can't really believe that he has a feelings for me...arghhh..i hate the feeling when ur bestfriends confess to u and u cant give back the feelings he have..just like in wattpad..huhuhu..T___T

I'm on my way to their house I dun remember when  is he goin to leave and go to new york..


-->> next UD comming up...sorry for the late update..plss vote and comment..♥•

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