Chapter 5: Part 2

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Saturday was spent in a variety of boutiques and shops on the main street in Victoria. Alice thrilled herself with her own daring, purchasing numerous outrageously “Witchy” outfits.  By four o’clock Alice had a number of bags in each hand and very sore feet.  She jetted through the shop with a wave to Azura, eager to get up to her apartment and try her new clothes on. 

The mirror in the bathroom provided the fashion show, and Alice surveyed the first outfit. She was currently wearing a pair of high leather boots over form-fitting blue jeans and long, button down dark velvet jacket.

“Wow, I actually look good!” She turned around quickly, almost expecting someone to hear her little bout of vanity.

            The next outfit delighted her even more. She attempted to execute a runway turn, watching the black skirt she was wearing flow around her legs. She straightened the purple sweater over her hips, and found she was especially taken with the stylish black hat she’d purchased. It was complete with small feathers and delicate black netting that swooped down over one eye; it made her look dramatic and outgoing and Alice loved it. She tried on several more combinations, relishing the feel of colourful silk blouses on her skin, prancing around in the gold high heeled shoes she’d picked out. She looked like someone completely different, someone daring and confident. It was thrilling. 

The last outfit was the most outrageous yet. It was a black dress, the bodice slightly lower cut then she was used to and corset-like with red beading over the bust. It fit her beautifully; the end of it trailed off into strips and floated around her legs when she moved.  Alice stared at herself. It was so daring. Where would she even wear it? She took it off and put her sweater back on, hanging the black dress in the closet.  She’d probably just wasted her money because it wasn’t likely she’d ever be confident enough to pull it off. She sighed, running a finger down the gauzy materiel. It was so beautiful, but she just wasn’t brave enough.

At last she put all the new clothes reverently away. Next she tore eagerly into the bag that held her new laptop. She’d figured she’d needed one. What kind of business owner didn’t have their own computer? 

            Monday morning the Elf came in.  Alice didn’t know what he was at first, except that he was ridiculously good looking. His features were very fair, with delicate, high cheeks bones and a strong chin. But his eyes were the first thing she noticed.  They were huge and brown, and had a tendency to suck you in if you stared too long. She caught herself staring slack-jawed as he entered and shut her mouth with a snap.

Azura greeted him, “Demitri, how are you?”

            “My dear, it’s been far too long.”

            To Alice’s astonishment he took one of Azura’s hands and bent low over it in the fashion of a courtly gentleman.

“And who is this?”  He turned his intense gaze on her, and she felt her breath catch.

            “This is Alice,” Azura said.

            “Hello.” Alice stifled a gasp as he took her hand in a cool, firm grip and bent low over it. “Nice to meet you.” It truly was. She felt her head spin and her heart beating too fast.  He is so gorgeous.  She wished she could stare into his eyes all night. His light caress on her hand sent chills up and down her back.

             Something was repeatedly nudging her foot under the counter. It was annoying. It was distracting her from Demetri’s beautiful eyes.  It nudged again, harder this time and when Alice looked down she discovered it was Azura’s foot. She stared at the foot crossly, wondering what Azura was doing. When she looked back up she drew her hand away from Demetri’s grasp, noticing something very strange. The Elf had several strands of magic wrapped around his body, the ends of them drifted towards her, and one had even began to wind its way up her arm. She shoved them away angrily, the same way she had shoved back Azura’s threads earlier. The silver strands snapped back towards Demetri and sunk into his pale skin, making him jump.

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