We continue from last time. We discussed how the prophet PBUH's uncle and wife passed away. With this, Abu Lahab first offered protection to the prophet PBUH but then retracted it after asking "where will my father be?". As a result after this, life in Mecca became almost impossible and this is when the prophet PBUH began thinking of leaving Mecca. Notice though for the last 10 years he didn't think of leaving. Only when politically he had no protection and it became almost impossible to remain there, he though of moving. This shows the general ruling is that we should remain in the society we live in as the prophet PBUH did. Nuh AS too - he lived with his people for 950 years. He didn't just throw in the towel and give up. This is a huge lesson for us: even if life gets difficult, we have a responsiblity still in our own communities. Thus when we look at the seerah we see a person should stay in his society for as long as its feasible. Indeed the prophet PBUH only did Hijra when life became impossible to remain living there.
So the first thing the prophet PBUH tried was to go to Ta'if. Why? For many reasons:
1. The closest city to Mecca (that is large) was Ta'if. Ta'if and Mecca were very close cities. There was constant rivalry and peace treaties between them. Indeed Waleed ibn Mugira called it one of the 'two major cities'.
2. Because Ta'if was so close, the people of Mecca knew the people of Ta'if family by family. There was a very strong relationship between them. In fact so much so one of the chiefton of Ta'if is married to a distant aunt of the prophet PBUH. So there's even a blood relationship.
And so the prophet PBUH decided to try giving dawah in Ta'if - this happened in the month of Shawwal, basically the same month Khadija dies, and only a few weeks after Abu Talib dies. Thus Abu Lahab only gave the prophet PBUH protection for 20 days. As soon as it was withdrawn the prophet PBUH decided he had to move as he was basically a stranger in Mecca. So the prophet PBUH tried a secret attempt, along with Zaid ibn Harithah, his 'adopted son', ventured on foot to Ta'if. They didn't take a horse or a donkey so as not to arise any suspicion. In our times it takes an hour and a half by car. To walk up would take a day/two days; taking a horse would be significantly easier but still the prophet PBUH chose not to. This also shows the tactics and plannning of the prophet PBUH. Yes he had trust in Allah, but this doesn't mean he acted foolishly. Indeed putting your trust in Allah doesn't mean you be rash. But rather you plan perfectly; everything perfectly and then in your heart you realise its up to Allah. And so him and Zaid leave town by foot arousing no suspicion. Indeed if they knew what he was doing they might harm him then and there. Also, this signified him cutting off any and all ties with the Quraysh. For him to take any move is a sign that the prophet PBUH's has accepted the status he is in and that he's cuting off all ties with Quraysh.
We have a beautiful narration reported by Aisha RA in Bhukari. She didn't know about the Meccan seerah. So she asked him "was there any day worse than the battle of uhud?". And the prophet PBUH immediately says "Yes. Your people have hurt and irritated me alot. And the worst irritation I got was on the day of akaba (meaning Ta'if). On that day I presented myself (to the leader of Ta'if) and they didn't respond the way I wanted them to". Note the prophet PBUH leaves it generic. He didn't go into details as he didn't want Aisha's pity. And the prophet PBUH said "and they caused me grief and sadness". We learn that even though Uhud was worse physically, Ta'if was worse psychologically. Indeed the prophet PBUH said Ta'if was worse than Uhud. Also, the prophet PBUH said "I didn't know where I was until I reached Kurna'Thaaib". Thus this indicates after the stoning, he was in a state of shock. Therefore when something traumatic happens its natural to act in this manner, but its important we get over it. Also the prophet PBUH didn't say any other details about this. Moreover were it not for the fact Aisha RA asked him he would not even have mentioned Ta'if. This shows the strength of mind of the prophet PBUH. A muslim is not someone who whines for sympathy. He dosen't victimise himself. The muslim is strong and has honour for ourself. The prophet PBUH suffered worse than us yet he didn't grovel for sympathy in front of others.
The Prophets Of Allah
SpiritualStories of Prophets, teach, inspire and build our faith. Through them we learn how to thank God,to worship God and to ask for His forgiveness in the best manner. "Indeed in their stories there are lessons for men of understanding." 1. Allaah 'azza...