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"You are a butterball," Sparrowhawk announced, holding her sister down with one talon. Dawn squeaked, outraged. "How dare you! I am the most powerful dragon-" Sparrowhawk rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. Weird scales, frost breath and fire don't make you super powerful. I mean, you are special. But you have to train." Dawn wriggled helplessly. "Arrghhh, but training is BORING!" She fell back dramatically and let her tongue fall out of her mouth. "Bleh. I'm dead, you KILLED ME!" Sparrowhawk twitched her orange wings and glared down at her sister. "You are supposed to win victories for the Skywings," she rumbled, "so you'd better act like you are TRYING." Suddenly, Dawn's gold and pink scales seemed to glow in the sunlight. She frowned in concentration, and smoke rose from her scales. "OW!" Sparrowhawk howled, letting go and stepping back. Dawn grinned even as her scales stopped glowing. "Mwahaha! I reign supreme!" She shouted trumphantly. Sparrowhawk shook the talon that had been touching her sister's scorching scales. "And what if you find a contender that you can't deal with using your scales?" Dawn hesitated. "I-I..." Sparrowhawk nodded knowingly. "You're not strong or fast. The only thing you're good at is flying, and that's only compared to other dragon tribes. Peregrine and Falcon could outrun you easily." Dawn's head drooped. "Are you ready to practice now?" Sparrowhawk's voice was now gentle as she lead her sister back on course for today's routine. Dawn nodded and she stepped into the ring. They danced around each other, taking experimental swipes. Suddenly, Sparrowhawk lunged at Dawn, snarling. Dawn rolled clumsily out of the way, and tried to stagger up. But she misjudged the roll and her weight and wings caused her to splay out sideways. Dawn jumped to her feet as Sparrowhawk spun around and slashed at her face. However, Dawn was too slow. One claw caught her cheek and a small cut opened up. Using Dawn's youth against her, Sparrowhawk pressed forward and made herself look even bigger. Dawn shied back, only to trip and fall over. She was stranded on her back for a moment, sensitive underbelly exposed to Sparrowhawk's talons. Dawn squirmed out of the way as Sparrowhawk whipped forward, talons extended. Dawn quickly attempted to roll again, but was too slow. Sparrowhawk trapped her again and stared at her. "That was the worst example of fighting I've ever seen," she said noncommittally. Dawn fell back, panting. "'re not even...! Out of...breath," she gasped. Sparrowhawk surveyed her disapprovingly. "I'm disappointed that you are," she grunted. Dawn stopped struggling and glanced up at her hopefully. "Can I eat now?" She said, eyes sparkling. Sparrowhawk rolled her eyes, then nodded. Dawn wriggled out from under Sparrowhawk's talons and scampered over to the prey pile. She gazed over it for a second, then dragged a cow under a tree. Sparrowhawk, Dawn thought. Why can't I be like her? She scarfed down the cow. Still hungry, Dawn thought sleepily. She glanced over at Sparrowhawk, who was picking her own meal out from the pile. Sparrowhawk didn't look up. Dawn tiptoed out of the training hall and slunk down into the soldiers barracks. The cool stone floor felt good on her feet after the hot sand. Maybe I can get some food from the soldiers. Sure enough, Dawn managed to beg another sheep from one of Queen Scarlet's soldiers. She managed to squeeze herself into her favorite alcove and ate her fill. Finally, Dawn lay back, stuffed. Hip hip hooray for me! She thought lazily. Dawn yawned hugely, the meal sitting heavily in her stomach. What's a little nap going to-
When Dawn woke up, a long red snout was staring at her with a very unfriendly look twisting it up into knots. "Thisssss is the dragonet that's going to win the war?" Queen Scarlet said menacingly. She stepped back to reveal Dawn's mother, an Icewing named Taiga. Taiga twisted her talons nervously. "We never realized what a disappointment she'd be," Taiga pointed out quickly. Queen Scarlet waved her away. "The only reason I let you breed with Prince Sunssset was because I expected results. Now, six dragonets later, and we finally have the right mix, but..." Queen Scarlet leaned closer to examine Dawn. She shrank against the wall of the alcove. "Lazy little coward," Scarlet hissed angrily. Suddenly, a change went over her face. "Oh. Hold on..." Queen Scarlet looked over Dawn. "Kill Queen Coral, or die." Dawn blinked at the sudden change in the Queen's tone, and the odd switch of subjects. "Did you hear me? Are you deaf or just stupid? Assassinate Queen Coral or die by the hands of my champion." Scarlet glittered dangerously. Dawn gulped anxiously, and felt her meal starting to come up. She regretted eating the extra sheep. "Y-yeah, okay," Dawn managed to mumble. She's sending me on a suicide mission! Her brain screamed. Queen Scarlett's face screwed up with fury. "If you fail me one more time, your sisters Whiteout and Sparrowhawk will die. Do I make myself clear?" "Y-yes Queen Scarlet," Dawn stammered. Scarlet looked at her coldly. "Go. Now." She stepped out of the way and watched in a cruel sort of satisfaction as Dawn struggled to get out of the alcove. Finally, she stood in front of her queen in an embarrassed silence. Scarlet glared at her one more time, then she slithered off into the soldiers barracks. Dawn's ruff drooped in disappointment. I'm only three! She wanted to scream. But she didn't. She couldn't. Instead, Dawn ran out of the room as fast as she could go, and skidded into the training room at full speed. Sparrowhawk looked up, confusion written across her face. "Dawn? Are you okay? Is someone hurt?" Dawn shook her head and she took a deep breath. "Everyone's fine. But I have s-some bad news." Sparrowhawk lurched to her feet and rushed over to her sister. "Ohmymoons Dawn what did you do this time?" She said, shaking her sisters shoulders gently. "Nothing!" Dawn yelped, "I just..." She hesitated. "I have to go on a super dangerous mission. To kill Queen Coral." "WHAT!!?!!" Sparrowhawk jumped back a step, eyes blazing. Her spiked tail whipped back and forth. "But you're only-" "Only three, yes I know!" Dawn sighed.  I just have to go.


Queen Scarlet grimaced, pacing back and forth. "Peril. Peril, Peril. I heard you, ah...made a friend?" Peril bounced on her feet. "Ye-es...?" Queen Scarlet whipped around, hissing, "you made friends with that silly dragonet, didn't you?" The small gold dragonet stopped bouncing and stared at the Queen, a dismayed look on her face. "Was it wrong? I'm sorry," she yelped. Queen Scarlet's face twisted into a smile. "You, my dear, have done nothing wrong. However, I believe I shall have another prisoner for you tomorrow. A dragon named......

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