Chapter Three

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Dawn stared at the small Rainwing dragonet. She looked so peaceful if you looked past her fear-whitened scales. If you didn't, she looked absolutely terrified. "Kinkajou's in a coma," Turtle said sadly, "can you help her? I'm afraid she's never going to wake up." Dawn fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist for a second, then glanced up at him and nodded. A smile spread across Turtle's face, but it was quickly eaten up by a frown. "Are you sure you can do this? I wouldn't want you to lose any of your soul," he said in a concerned tone. Dawn sighed in exasperation. "I told you. I put all of my power into this bracelet. While I wear this bracelet, I can use my power without losing my soul." Turtle nodded, still hesitant. "So...what do you do? Do you just touch her with the rock and she's healed and wakes up?" Dawn stared at Kinkajou and tried not to feel wildly jealous. She glanced back up at Turtle and nodded. Of course Turtle would have a girlfriend. He's a prince! And it's been a while since he freed me. But it was hard not to heat her talons up and stab the dragonet in the eyes. Dawn winced. That is NOT a good train of thought. She snatched a gem off the table next the bed, trying not to look at the gifts piled up there. Including the beautiful vase and flowers Dawn had sold Turtle. One hand clutching her bracelet, Dawn studied the gem. It was a beautiful, pure emerald, the size of a dragon's eye and the precise shade of Turtle's scales. Dawn squeezed her eyes shut, held on to the gem and  mumbled, "Enchant this gem to heal any wound, including the ones you cannot see. Enchant it to heal broken bones and cure all poisons. Enchant it to do all these things when it touches a dragon." She opened her eyes and pressed the enchanted gem to the Kinkajou's scales, then stepped back. The effect was magical. Kinkajou's spine untwisted and her scales slowly turned to a vibrant purple. As Turtle and Dawn watched, she opened her eyes. "T-Turtle?" Turtle's jaw dropped and he rushed forward, hugging Kinkajou hard. Dawn sat there, feeling awkward and small. After what seemed like ages, Turtle stepped back from a very one-sided hug to beam at Dawn. "Thank you!" He sparkled. Dawn blinked, surprised by his sudden enthusiasm. Out of nowhere, Kinkajou spoke up. "Where's Winter? And Moon and Qibli?" Kinkajou glanced around the room as if she expected them to be hiding in the corners. Turtle wilted quite a bit and stared at Kinkajou with a forlorn expression on his face. Dawn hissed at Kinkajou. "Stupid dragonet. Do you know how much trouble that dragon-" she pointed at Turtle, "-has gone through to make sure you got better? I pitied you at first, but I sure as scales don't now!" Dawn was literally shaking with so much anger that she barely felt Turtle pull her outside of the clinic. She whipped around to face him. "All of that was true," she snarled, but he just looked at her sadly. "Thank you for standing up for me, but I can take care of myself," Turtle said quietly. Dawn wilted a bit. How can Turtle care for that silly, shallow dragonet? She thought angrily. Turtle turned away from Dawn, saying, "I don't know if you feel like you owe me or something. But if you really want to help me without hurting one of my best friend's feelings..." He hesitated, and Dawn waited patiently until he spoke again. "I was wondering if you could come with me on a trip to the Sea kingdom. My brother's getting married to a family friend, but I can't travel across the continent alone." Dawn paused and glanced at Turtle. "What? Really?" She stared at him, then said, "Why don't you ask one of your friends?" Turtle blushed bright green. "Um...they pretty much already think I'm useless. I don't want them to think I'm defenseless, either. I just...I'm not a great hunter, unless I'm fishing, and I don't really know how to fight that well. So?" Dawn stared for a second, then burst out laughing. Turtle laughed awkwardly along with her, then stopped. "So it's a no? I guess I'll have to-" Dawn cut him off, grinning. "Of course! I'd be happy to! I just hope that my shop will be okay while I'm gone," she giggled. Turtle frowned. "Then why are you laughing?" "Cause I was surprised, that's all. I thought you were mad at me!" "Really? You just revived my friend, who was on the verge of death, and you think I am mad at you?" Doubt filled Turtle's voice. "Y-ye-maybe?" Dawn replied uncertainly. Turtle laughed, filling Dawn with warmth and happiness. "No! Of course I'm not mad!" Turtle said, twisting his talons nervously. "Like I said, why would I be?"

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