how it all started

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YN pov.
hey guys my name Is YN and I have pretty much been the average type of girl I have the average amount of beauty I'm the average amount of mean I'm the average amount of nice I'm average ...well I'm a little under average when it comes to my height I'm 5'2 ..roughly and I'm a little over average when it comes to my weight but like about five pounds I think those standards are crazy I'm healthy but I am ..thick my ass is nice my hips are wide and I have c cup brest so draw your own image of me but back to the story I happen to always be an average type of girl until I met Trevor jackson..THE Trevor Jackson the amazing singer dancer actor performer he was and always will be an amazing person bout professionally and personally and he's help me through a lot with starting my career I had just graduated high school and I was on my way to my collage that I had been wanting to go to for the longest and then this audition came up in the city where my collage was it was a singing audition and I thought why not ... do it just go and have fun so I did and I never got a call until three months later I get multiple calls from different label executives saying they wanted me but I didn't know why because who ever I had auditioned for didnt give me the job as a backup singer the video of my audition went viral in the higher up communities which lead to the phone calls and the many labels wanting me after picking very carefully and being flown around from new york to la even in Atlanta I finally settled on Atlantic Records fast forward two years and I have an album out that went to number one I have singles with some of the best artist in the world from nicki minaj and drake to mindless behavior and diggy simmons I have established a great career and I owe it all to Trevor he met me when the were still developing who I was as an artist and he just gave me so much advice on what to do and what not to and that's why I'm so big so Him turning into my best friend *some times with benefits* and Me getting to know him better I lowkey fell in love and I tried to ignore it but I never could really tell him just how much I loved him ...even when I knew he knew for sure I'm a tuff girl and I dont like feeling vulnerable around anyone so I never told him and we ended up having this big argument and he left me and we haven't spoken since so now that you're caught up here is what is going on right now we are both in Atlanta Georgia he has a show tonight and I just have studio time down here this week and haven't had sex in forever ..the last time was with trevor but he went off and got him a girlfriend who happends to hate me but for one I dont give a fuck and secondly she has all reason too but I'm honestly thinking about going to the concert his people would defintly let me back stage and who knows his girl may not even be there the truth is even though we have become very distant If I were to be hurt or If something big was happening I would still call him for the simple fact that I Know he would come and he would care because he loves me and he always will and I will always love him regardless if I could say that to him or not ...thats it I'm going to the concert tonight I pull up my computer going to ticket master to buy a ticket ..and in big read letters it said "sold out" fuckkkkk now what and then my phone started to ring I looked at my screen and it said "big bro I" why is Iyn calling me that's Trevor's brother and I'm sure he told his whole family not to talk to me but I answered anway "heyyyy Iyn" "hey Yn you coming to the show tonight" I bit my lip "I was just about to buy a ticket but it's sold out ..Atlanta has always loved him" I smiled he has come so far "well if you come early enough you can just come backstage and watch it there" "dont take this the wrong way I" "i won't" I sighed "why do you want me there so bad...has he said anything about me?" "because you guys are literally perfect for eachother that nigga needs you we all know his not happy with Leslie" he didn't answer my second question "but does he know that? I can't just be some side chick and it's my fault anyway he deserves to be able to move on" "even if it's fake? I know he misses you" "whatever helps him get through it and he could love her but you just dont wanna except it remember Iyn we were never a couple" he sighed I can tell he was getting mad but it was the truth no matter how much it hurt me "just come.." "has he said anything about me?" "no" "so how do you know" "because thats my brother and I know him and you're coming be backstage at the venu at 7:30 I'll be waiting for you by the door" "ughhh fine" I heard him laugh "alright see you later bye" "bye" I hung up now what I was so freakin anxious and I still had an hour to kill and then there was a knock on my door "WHO IS IT" "jacob" I ran to the door opening it fast and hugging him one of my best friends Jacob Latimore after that long hug I let him in and we sat down on my couch "do you know why I'm here" "if it has anything to do with Trevor don't--" he cut me off "look I'm tired of you mooping around because you're stubborn he's here tonight and both of yall are my true friends thats how I know you need to be there tonight and you're going no need to try and say no" "like I was saying if it has anything to do with Trevor don't bother saying anything because Iyn just called forcing me to" he smiled "so you coming" I nodded "yea I just don't want him to see me before the show and then ruines his whole mood ..ya know?" J nodded and then his phone started to ring and it was trevor "put it on speaker" he rolled his eyes but did it anyway I needed to hear his voice "wassup man" "aye man what you doin" "I'm at kourtney's condo chillin" I felt him smile ..does he miss me "O well um you coming to my show right?" "yea" "I was trying to see if you wanted to turn up after the concert" 'o yea definitely I'm free" "um is she coming" she being me "she wants to but shes not sure if you want her to come" "i do want her to come I'm just not sure what I'll do if she actually does" 'what do you mean" "Leslie isn't here and I haven't seen YN in months and my feelings never left so I'm just hoping I don't fuck up because YN has been my friend and I won't her in my life but I need to move on if she won't admit that she loves me too because I know she does" "so If she were to come tonight and tell you that she loves you ..what will happen would you dump Leslie" "... I don't know" "well man you don't need to be thinking about all this drama before you go work just go and calm down everything will work it's self out" "aight bro talk to you later" "bye man" J hung up I exhaled deeply "well that just changed everything" "tell him how you feel" I rolled my eyes "if he knows why cant he just accept that" My eyes started to water "because why cant you just tell him" "Isn't there a saying that goes 'actions speak louder than words' so if he knows by the way that I act why can't he just accept it peope say I love you all the time and it means nothing" "it's nice to hear it too even if you can feel it" "so how is Leslie?" "shes Leslie" "stop jake I just wanna know my competition" "you're your own go get ready" "okay" I went upstairs to go get ready...

so how was the first chapter? I hope this story is gonna be good I like the Idea so far 😁😁😁

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so how was the first chapter? I hope this story is gonna be good I like the Idea so far 😁😁😁

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