The Heartless Jerk (2)

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The Heartless Jerk (2)

“Is everything okay, sweetheart? You’re quiet today.” Mrs. Lee pointed out.

She had been sitting here in two hours and never had Jimin said a word to her mom. That's somehow weird. She used to talk non-stop. Well, at least at home.

“Uhm.. Umma…” She started off. “You know Mr. and Mrs. Lu…”

“What about them, sweetie?” Her mother asked carelessly as she continued chopping the vegetables. 

“H- Have you possibly heard anything from them?”

“What do you mean, Ji?” Mrs. Lee had stopped doing whatever she did before by now. 

Instead, she turned her body back to face her daughter who was sitting on a chair beside the dining table. 

“Well, it’s this guy at school… His name is Luhan. And he just reminds me so much of Mr. and Mrs. Lu’s son. The boy I used to play with you know.” Jimin explained to her mother. “So I wonder if it can possibly be him… But then I thought it was impossible. He’s probably still in China…”

The Lee family had once moved away from South Korea and stayed in China for a quite long time. Five years to be exact. Because of Mr. Lee’s job, they had to moved a lot of times but I guess Beijing was a place where they stayed the longest. During those five years, Jimin got to know about her father’s co-worker’s son, Luhan. And they automatically became friends, then best friends.

Since Luhan’s mother was korean, they could communicate well with each other. When the day they had to leave Beijing came. It was really hard for them as a kid. Especially for Jimin who had never in her life had a real best friend before. She could remember they were only ten when this happened. She never got a chance to make any close friends before it was time to move again. That’s why Luhan was so special to her, even now. 

“Oh dear… So you didn’t know? They just moved to Seoul.”

“W- Wait what?.. So they’re here?”

Mrs. Lee smiled at her daughter as she continued.

“Yes, dear. I didn’t know it too, your dad just told me yesterday.”

“Then why didn’t you tell me!” Jimin was panicking so the guy she just saw earlier today was Luhan?

“I’m telling you that now, aren’t I?” Mr. Lee chuckled softly as she went back to her cooking, leaving Jimin behind.


“Can you believe it?! He’s really my childhood best friend!” Jimin cooed happily over the phone. 

“I’m glad you finally got to meet him again. But what are you planning to do now?” She heard Eunji asking her. 

Her question made Jimin nervous. What was she supposed to do now? 

“I- I don’t know Eunji. I don’t know if I’m brave enough to talk to him yet…” 

Eunji sighed.

“You’re just afraid to get reject, Jimin. You know, that’s not really a problem.” Eunji said.

“I- I still don’t know if it’s a good idea to talk to him yet. You know, I’ve always been a wallflower and being his childhood best friend will draw attention. I just want a peaceful high school life. And what if he thinks I’m only talking to him just because of his fame?” Jimin said as she played with her fingers nervously. “But maybe… I can talk to him later..?”

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