Married? (Nick Fury)

501 18 9

Requested by @freindfusion


Word count: 757


The strong, sharp smell of anesthetic and bleach filled your nose as you stepped into the infirmary where few doctors were walking from room to room calmly. The pristine white made your eyes sting ever so slightly, you were so used to seeing the darkness that the vivid white was foreign to your senses. You walked into the office with a silver '5' on the door, taking a look around the empty room. The clean counters were stacked with organized containers of cotton balls and bandages and cabinets filled with multiple kinds of various medicines and syringes.

You had just come home fro and extremely dangerous HYDRA mission and you had no way of contacting anyone at SHIELD while you were away. And well... That was tough... That was the hardest part really because- well you missed everyone here.

The door opened and closed with a small click as the doctor walked in, holding his clipboard and a pen. He was just here to give  you a 'check up' to make sure that you weren't hurt anywhere. You had been through this routine enough to know how it all worked. He would check you for any broken bones or open cuts, blah, blah, blah. But luckily it only took a few minutes, so that was really the only good thing about this. Normally you were in and out of the check up room in 10 minutes tops and that was your saving grace.

So the doctor went through the same old, same old, trying to make small talk while he checked over you and that was new...

So its safe to say that this was quite the change.

But just as the routine always went, you left the infirmary and embraced the cleaner air with no bleach smell and no awkward small talk. But that's when you were immediately attacked into a strong bear hug by the only person who would do such a thing.

"Oh my God, I thought I lost you (Y/N)." His low voice said in your ear as he held you close.

"Oh relax Nick," You said back in a quiet, playful voice. "Did you really think I wouldn't make it back?" You questioned arching a brow and putting a hand on your hip.

"Well um... Well of course I did, its just that was one of the most dangerous missions I've ever had to send anyone on an-"

Okay, he was rambling a little to much at that point. So, you did the thing that every married couple did to stop the rambling. You kissed him. And of course, it caught him off guard at first because no one knew that you two were in love, never mind married! But in that moment, like you, he didn't seem to care even when you heard the door to the room you were in open.

Well, lets just say you were to... Well... Busy to care about who was at the door, but it was so silent you could hear Thor's box of Pop-Tarts fall on the floor as his eyes widened to the size of bowling balls as his body seemed to freeze.

 Busy to care about who was at the door, but it was so silent you could hear Thor's box of Pop-Tarts fall on the floor as his eyes widened to the size of bowling balls as his body seemed to freeze

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You had made Thor... A God for goodness sakes... Speechless.

Not only that! But you made him DROP HIS POP-TARTS and make him speechless. This was quite the accomplishment if you did say so yourself.

But the excitement, and little bit of awkwardness, didn't stop there.

Because not a whole minute later, the door opened once again.

"Hey Thor are ya- Oh...."

You could practically hear the shock in Clint's voice when he realized what Thor was still traumatized over.

The two men were in the same position for a moment, jaws hitting the floor and no movement, until Clint started looking around awkwardly, like you two would realize they were in the room.

The two men were in the same position for a moment, jaws hitting the floor and no movement, until Clint started looking around awkwardly, like you two would realize they were in the room

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Buuuut... That didn't happen.

And little did the two intruders know that Tony was right outside too and somehow they all happened to be coming straight for the room you and your husband were making out in...

What a coincidence right?

"Oh okay I'll be right baaaa-"

Tony bit his lip so he wouldn't burst out laughing at, number one: seeing two of the strongest men in the whole universe in utter shellshock, and secondly: the fact that you were this close to fonduing with his boss.

Tony Stark could make anything hilarious in his mind...

Okay but, because you had been kissing for this long, you needed some air and that's exactly what you got when you pulled away and you were immediately greeted with Tony's voice

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Okay but, because you had been kissing for this long, you needed some air and that's exactly what you got when you pulled away and you were immediately greeted with Tony's voice.

"What the hell just happened?"


Okay I am so sorry for this request being published so late! And I'm sorry that I made you wait so long for something so short!

Normally, I never write one shots so short, but I hope you still liked it either way!

And if you have any requests, be sure to leave a speedy comment and if you liked this, be sure to give that vote button a quick tap!

And until next time my loves... I'M OUT!

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