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    After he mentioned having a girl my sister called me asking if he was talking about me and if we were dating. I told her i didn't know, he had been acting like we were dating all day but he never actually asked me out. Apparently he had talked about asking me out to my sister but he never asked. My sister got annoyed and messaged him while still on the phone with me and then she made a group chat with just me, her, and him. My sister started the group by saying "ask her" so he just asked asked "ask her what?" "what we were talking about" and while they are talking about this i'm just on the phone with her yelling at her for making the group but when i looked back on my phone i see he said "*holds her hand and on my knees* Shelby would you accept me as a boyfriend" my sister starts screaming in my ear freaking out and i kinda just sat there starring at the message feeling like it wasn't really real until i get another text "can i hear your answer" so i just quickly text back that i'd very gladly accept him as my boyfriend and he just says "*kisses your hand* glad to hear that" "you're my date now :) :) *hugs*". He then stayed up late that night talking to me until i convinced him to get some sleep. He also happily told our friends we were dating and got a little protective when my ex called me hot, and told him that i am hot (I dont think i'm at all hot it's there weird opinion) but he doesn't want him to call me that cause we are dating. My angel is mine now.... :) 


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