Slytherin Prince (Draco Malfoy FanFic)

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"Draco! Hey, Draco!" I could hear Pansy calling me as I walked into the main Hall. Everyone was in there for lunch, it was all the talk about the quidditch tournament between Slytherin and Gryffindor. I followed the calls of Pansy, but didn't sit with my so-called 'Friends' I haddn't spoken to them in days, I didn't really want to. 

"Draco? Hey! We're here" Pansy waved at me, despite being a few meters away from eachother, I just turned away from her, I think she gathered I didn't want to talk to anyone. Especially her. She keeps trying to get my attention ever since we broke up a couple of years ago. Getting new boyfriends every week, rubbing it in my face.

My head rested on my hands, I couldn't stop thinking about everything. I had my potions book in front of me, I tried reading that, wondering how to make the Liquid Luck potion, starring down at the page, I turned it trying to read it. Nothing helped, nothing would get my mind off this.

I felt a shadow tower over me, then the weight of another body sit opposite me, and put their hands on the table, still looking down, I could tell it was a girl. her nails were painted at the four Hogwarts house colours, with little sticker things as the animal of the house, on her right hand, was a ring, a little black snake, which clung around her finger, and a matching bracelet. I knew exactly who it was.

I looked up slightly, seeing more of her, wearing her Hufflepuff uniform, for a minute I was startled to see her, she wasn't smiling like her usual self, she was more serious, but not angry, her chocolate brown hair was in wavy curls.

"What do you want?" I looked at her, suddenly her serious face went into a little smirk, as if she wanted me to say that to her. She remained silent for a moment.

"Talk-" She began but was cut off, "Just leave. No one likes you. You're a pathetic Hufflepuff" I added, still looking at her, her brown eyes pierced through mine, her smirk suddenly turned into a little laugh, a chuckle.

"Oh Malfoy. You think you're all that." She laughed again, "What's wrong Malfoy?" She asked, still looking at me. I stood up, not wanting to be spoken to, but she reached out and took my hand. She winced a bit, of her warm hand touching my icy cold one. It felt nice though, having some warmth.

"Why should you care?" I asked her, not interested in the answer, I sat back down, trying not to cause a scene, as everyone was there, I could see Pansy watching me, wondering why I was talking to Sarah-Louise

"Because Malfoy, I want to know." She replied bluntly. "Because I care." She added in a faint whisper, I heard her, knowing that she didn't want me to

"Talk to Harmony" I replied, looking back in my book. Harmony was my older sister, she was dating that Weasley, George? or was it Fred, not that I actually cared.

"I would if I could, but if you haddn't noticed, she isn't actually here" Sarah replied, looking down the Slytherin table, she noticed Pansy looking at her. "What is it Parkinson? Jealous because I happen to look better than you today? Or is it because Draco wants to talk to me, and not you, because look at you, your the biggest slut going." She replied at the end, feeling the urge not to laugh. "That shut her up" Sarah said turning back to me.

"Nice hat Weasley" Goyle chanted, we looked round, Ron was wearing his quidditch uniform, and his hat, it looked ridiculous. 

"Oii Weasley!" Sarah stood up, mostly all the eyes went on her, expecting she'd come out with a sarky comment, "Good luck today!" She smiled, "Well, great chatting with you Malfoy maybe do it again sometime, when I don't know, I care about hearing how silent you can be" She walked off, but I couldn't help but have a little smile, she turned back and smiled before going over to the Gryffindor table. 

I lay back in my bed, the common was empty, a good to think about all of my life problems. Despite having the problems on whats happening this year, I once again couldn't get one person off my mind. Her hair, her body, despite the rules her attitude. Her Everything.

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