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❝stop being mental, m❞ ⎯ ISADORA SMACKLE

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stop being mental, m ISADORA SMACKLE


"ONE DAY, I will live in a mansion," Maya Hart daydreamed while she scrubbed the counters, "I will have a big fancy car, designer clothes, and every guy will be drooling over me."

There was a scoff right next to her.

"Yeah right." Isadora Smackle rolled her eyes. "Stop being mental, M." Maya sent a glare to Smackle.

"Is it wrong for me to daydream?" Maya asked followed by a sigh. Her blue eyes shot up to the ceiling just thinking about her fantasy life. They both continued to clean the counters.

"Yes it is," Smackle said, "people like us don't have the guy or the money." Smackle added. It was true. Smackle and Maya worked at a fast food restaurant just so they could pay rent for the apartment they both share.

"I hate working at Pizza Queen." Maya mumbled in frustration. "I want to work in the tallest building!" She declared loudly causing people who were in the restaurant to stare. Her cheeks immediately turned a light shade of pink.

"I do too." Smackle turned her head to Maya with a bright smile. "Let's promise if one of us gets a high paying job, they have to try to help the other get the job too!"

Maya nodded, facing her. "From a short girl to an...other short girl." Maya let go of the dirty rag to hold up her pinkie finger. Smackle did the same, locking their pinkies together.


"SIR, your parents want you home." Farkle Minkus' ⎯ the son of the richest family's ⎯ maid called out from the kitchen.

He was relaxing on the white fabric couch that costed a fortune, sipping down his expensive wine. He was staying at his personal penthouse far, far from his parents. Although his parents did know where he was.

"Tell them I will see them tomorrow." He flicked his wrist without facing her. The maid nodded, departing back into the kitchen. Farkle could hear the distinct chatter. Probably on the phone, he thought.

Farkle finished the last drop of wine and put the empty glass on the coffee table in front of him. Farkle got up to fetch his jacket, swinging it across his shoulder. "I'm going out!" He called back to the maid. The maid only shouted out an 'ok'.

Farkle opened the door and left the penthouse. He headed towards his white Lamborghini.


"FARKLE! Baby!" A pretty brunette spreaded her long arms to embrace him into a hug. "Riley." He smiled and hugged her back tightly. "Mmm... I missed you." She whispered.

"I did too." He pulled away. He twirled her into his arm and sat down with her on her couch. They were in her dim luxury apartment.

She giggled leaning towards his lips, but Farkle snapped his head away. "You do realize this is just a fling? You're just company." Farkle warned her. She just laughed.

"Farkle," Riley said, "all the girls that are willing to kiss or sleep with you... They are all aware of your code." Riley grabbed his chin with her hands and pecked his lips. "I swear, Farkle Minkus, you're so mental." She laughed and he laughed back.

Riley pressed herself against him causing him to fall back on his back. She lied on top of him, pulling him into a rough make out.


"BYE, Smack!" Maya waved to Smackle as she headed towards her cheap old car. She got into it, starting to drive after some attempts at trying to start it. She drove away from Pizza Queen and towards her best friend's (besides Smackle) house.

Her 'other' best friend is rich, so Maya has to keep their friendship a secret basically. Her best friend practically forced Maya into keeping their friendship a secret.

On the way to her best friend's house that is in a huge, beautiful, rich neighborhood, a white Lamborghini nearly crashes into her as they exit her best friend's neighborhood.

Luckily, Maya makes a sharp turn and prevents from a crash. She honks furiously, struggling to roll down her window to stick up her middle finger at the person. "I swear, rich cocky idiots..." She angrily mumbled under her breath as she pulled into the neighborhood...

i really hope you like this book so far! i think i am turning into a multi-shipper... i used to only ship lucaya/peybrina strictly, but i find smarkle, riarkle, markle, joshaya, etc cute now. is that bad?

i hope you found the "coincidence" in this chapter...



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