Interesting Facts

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Interesting Facts

October came about with it's crisp air and falling leaves and a notice went up on the common room boards, boasting of the first trip to Hogsmeade coming up at the end of the month. It was all that the students of Hogwarts in the Third Year could talk about, even at the Slytherin table. "Heard Avery's got an appointment at the Hog's Head," whispered Evan Rosier over breakfast, "The Dark Lord's going to send one of his Death Eaters with instructions for the Knights of Walpurgis."

Regulus Black looked eagerly at Barty Crouch, who sat crammed up close beside him, and a gleeful expression passed between them. "Do you know when you lot will be recruiting new members?" Regulus asked with excitement.

"Dunno," Evan said with a shrug, "That's up to Avery."

Severus chewed his food carefully, "He's going to want everyone to watch Dumbledore's coming and going," he said when he'd swallowed.

Evan looked at him, "Why would the Dark Lord give a damn about Albus Dumbledore?"

Severus shrugged, "Dumbledore's a mighty powerful wizard, isn't he? I reckon he's the Dark Lord's greatest challenge to defeat. The wizarding world adores him and he defeated Grindelwald and all. Seems a logical next step."

"The logical next step is taking down the ministry," argued Dimitri Goyle, waving his oatmeal filled spoon. "Kill the minister and the whole thing comes falling down like a tower with it's foundation ripped out."

"This minister ain't that powerful," disagreed Walden McNair. "She ain't got the belly to stand against the Dark Lord anyway. Why waste the time in killing her when she'll bend to will? Besides - what are a bunch of students supposed to do to take down the Minister of Magic? We at least got access to Dumbledore."

Regulus pointed at Barty, "We want to join the Knights," he said. Evan Rosier looked them over, then turned back to his eggs without comment. "Barty's dad is sort of a big deal at the ministry. That could be of interest to the Dark Lord."

Evan looked up and glanced at Walden McNair, one eyebrow raised.

"What kind of a big deal?" McNair questioned.

"He's Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department," supplied Barty.

"What? You mean he's an auror?" said Alabaster Jackson, a second year.

Barty shook his head, "I mean he controls the aurors. Any auror acting on official ministry business was given his orders from my father."

Walden McNair looked impressed. "Could be useful," he murmured, "I'll mention you to Avery."

Regulus elbowed Barty excitedly. "See?" he said, "You can fight for the Dark Lord with us."

McNair scowled in Regulus's general direction, then looked down at his plate. "Don't be so sure you are automatically in yourself, Black," he said.

Regulus looked over at him, surprised, "Whyever not? Mother and Father are among the Dark Lord's most loyal followers." He fancied telling McNair how the Dark Lord was currently being served by his house elf back home, and how, if that didn't make him a shoe-in for a place among the Death Eaters, then little else would.

"With a blood traitor brother like yours, the Dark Lord will certainly want to make sure it's not some sort of curse on the family, I reckon," McNair sneered.

"If you notice, I'm seated right here at Slytherin with you, aren't I? If I was a blood traitor like my brother, I'd be over there at the Gryffindor table, talking to muggle-borns and whatever other riff-raff he befriends." Regulus's tone was cold and just as sharp as Walden McNair's.

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