Chapter 1

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                       I sighed as I got ready and went down stairs to make some breakfast. I went to the cabinet and got a plate, then I went to the bread and got 2 pieces out and put it in the toaster. When the toast popped up I took my butter knife and buttered my toast. I sat my food on the table but before I ate I went to the picture of my mom and said, “Hey mom, how you are do ing today? I’m doing ok, the same as usual. I hope something is different today at school though I really doubt it. Shaylee is doing great as usual and she has lots of friends at the park. Its really fun watching her run around with all the other kids and the baby sitter I got for her is really nice and understanding. You wouldn’t believe how much she’s grown since you died and dad left.” I felt a tear run down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I couldn’t cry because I had to be strong for Shaylee and I couldn’t let her see me weak like this. I heard someone open the bathroom door and a small voice speak, “Awice awe you awake?” I was really cute because she could pronounce some letters and replaces them with a s. “Yes hun, I’m awake. Go get dressed and I’ll make you some breakfast.” I heard her run to her room and shut the door. I went to the cabinet and pulled out her favorite cereal and poured it into a small bowl. I went to the fridge and poured some milk into her bowl and grabbed a spoon then set it on the table.

          Not only a couple of seconds later i heard Shaylee run out with her pink frilly dress that had pink and white flowers on the bottom of it. She had a comb and hair tie in her small hands and handed it to me. I smiled and took them and motioned for her to sit down and she did then I combed her golden blonde hair and put it in a ponytail. When I finished she quickly sat down and ate her cereal and I ate my toast. When we finished I put our plates in the sink and turned to Shay and said, “Are you ready we have to drop me off at the babysitters so I can go to school.” She looked at me sad, “But sissy do I have to go, I don’t wanna I wanna hang out with you today.” I sent her a sad smile and sighed, “Shaylee you know that I have to go to school but guess what today is friday which means that its my last day of school and I don’t have to work till monday.” She smiled and jumped and replied with a K and ran off to her room to grab her drawing book. I smiled and grabbed my backpack and keys and Shay run up to me and we walked out of the house and I locked the house and went to the car.

            I went and dropped her off at the babysitters house and then went to school. That place was the one place that I desperately did not want to go to. I parked my car, got out and headed to my class. I knew the places that I needed to avoid and when to avoid it. I was almost to my class when Lindsey and her friends blocked my path. She said “Are you going somewhere slut?” I decided for once that i’m gonna stand up for myself, its probably the most stupidest idea I have ever had but I gotta try. “Actually yes I am going somewhere and it happens to be class because I’m not a dumb bitch like you,” I spat. She gave me a look that said I was gonna regret but I doubt it. “You wanna say that again really I could ruin your life oh wait, I already did,” she said as she slapped me across the face.

             One of her friends grabbed me by my hair and dragged me towards the bathroom ripping some of my blonde locks out. I struggled and fought to be let go as my sea blue eyes filled with tears. They dragged me into the bathroom and as I was about to get up then they started to kick and kick me. It hurt so much I heard a crack as they kicked my ribs and at that point I knew they broke some of my ribs. “P-p-p-please stop i-i-i-it h-h-hurts,” I stuttered and cried out and they continued kicking. They just laughed harder and stopped and I sighed in relief but that was only short lived. They grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me into the bathroom and, I had given up fighting because its no use. They took my head by my hair and smashed it into the toilet bowl as I screamed in pain. They did that two more times then let me fall to the ground as they walked out. It hurt so bad and I didn’t know what to do, I mean I couldn’t even move and there was so much blood flowing into the drain on the floor as I laid halfway in the stall. I couldn’t remember what happened after that and everything went black. I was sure that I died but I knew that I couldn’t die, I couldn’t leave Shaylee all alone I had to be there for her. Blackness surrounded me as I floated into the abyss of darkness.

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