Jack J~~unexpected romance at da Club

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"Pfff, finally" You tell your best friend on the first day of your summer break.
"Yeah tell me about it y/n, I thought it'd never end. So how are we gonna celebrate that both of us graduated?"
"Pfff Idk maybe just get drunk and go clubbing? But I don't feel like going to the same clubs we always go to in this death ass town"
"Haha, me neither, maybe we can just drive to some cool city, rent a hotelroom and see where the night will take us" "hmm I'm in"

So said you and y/bff/n went to your homes to pick a nice outfit and pack your bags. You heard the bell ringing and ran down the stairs "Y/bff/n I'm so exciteeeeeed we're gonna get so drunk and have so much fun" "Damn right we are gurl, you ready to go?" You grabbed your bags kissed your mom goodbye and then took off.

~~~~~ After the drive and when you checked in, around 08.30pm~~~~~

You put on the dress you picked out, it was a new dress you had bought with your mom the other day. It was a tight, red dress that showed of the summer body you had worked so hard for. "Damn y/n you look hot, how am I supposed to hook up with someone if your looking like this"
You laughed "Come on I don't look THAT good, besides look at you slayin with your tight skirt and croptop, those curves are gonna drive every boy mad" The both of you started laughing.

You went to the mall to get a bottle of vodka and started playing drinking games and talking. "Oh my goddddd y/n remember wwwhheen you" *BOINK*
You started laughing mid-sentence y/bff/n stood up and fell down. "Hahhhaa are you okay😂😂😂" she kept laying there " When you was so drunk u acted like you were a pigeon all night" "You couldn't even answer, you just couldn't help but laugh at how she was laying there. "Hahaa I think we've had enough to drink let's go"

You helped her get up and took off. You walked around town to find a club with good music. Then you saw an hip hop & r&b club. "Omg y/bff/n, we're gonna go in here"
The two of you walked in and started dancing to the beat immediately.
The two of you were having so much fun together, just dancing together and singing along to the music, till you noticed to guys walking up to you from behind y/bff/n.

This cute skinny, blonde guy winked at you as his friend checked out y/bff/n from behind. You smiled at the blonde guy and told your best friend there was a cute guy checking her out. She turned around and smiled at the guy. You two started dancing on each other, the two guys starring at you without any shame. They walked up to you and you saw the blonde guy lick his lips.

'Hey I'm Jack and can I just say you look beautiful" You smiled. "I'm y/n and yes you can" He laughed, it was the cutest laugh you'd ever seen. "In that case y/n you look lovely, would you like to dance" "Yes I would" You turned around and saw that y/bff/n was already making out with Jack's friend. You smirked and turned back to Johnson.

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