Chapter 3 ( Visual Gem)

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Steven's P.O.V.

Pearl and I stumbled our way into the temple still in shock. We just stood there paralyzed for a long period of time before Amethyst and Peridot came strolling through the doorway.

Amethyst: So how was it Peri?

Peridot: I admit the arcade was very enjoyable and-

Peridot had cut herself off when she and Amethyst noticed me and Pearl.

Peridot: Um Steven, what's wrong with you and the Pearl?

Amethyst: Yeah you two look like you seen a ghost or something.

Amethyst said as she made her way to the fridge and began to drink a soda. A few seconds later, Garnet appeared from the warp pad and noticed the state Pearl and I were in.

Garnet: Did I miss something?

Peridot: More or less.

Connie, who had been focused in her book, had finally looked up to join the conversation.

Connie: Steven what's wrong?

Garnet: You can tell us Steven. It seems rather important.

I couldn't get the right words out but sooner or later they just came rushing out of my mouth.

Steven: I-It's..........(Y/N) just kissed Pearl!!!!

Amethyst, who had been drinking a soda, had done a giant spit take.

Amethyst: What?!

Peridot: What do you mean by "kiss"?

Garnet: That's rather unexpected.

Garnet says as she pushes her glasses up.

Connie: Hmmm...but didn't they just meet a couple of minutes ago.

Steven: Yeah but at the same time it's not too surprising. (Y/N)had always been known to do unsuspecting things but this was a bit out of character.

Peridot: Never the less, it seemed to destabilize the Pearl.

Connie: Is she going to be ok?

Amethyst walked up to Pearl and shook her a bit.

Amethyst: Pearl snap out of it!

Pearl: I-I just need to be alone.

That was all she said before returning to her room. Everyone looked around at each other questionably and worriedly.

Pearl's P.O.V.

I don't understand. I' confused......-Sigh-......why do humans have to be so complicated. Such terrible mannerism. What would rose think of me? My loyalty being swayed over slightly by such a measly action. This...(Y/N) is basically tossing around my feelings, to make me feel this way but it shouldn't matter. This was just an awkward day that I'm sure to ignore tomorrow. I'll most likely never see (Y/N) again or at least I hope so. I can't even convince myself that this was true because I couldn't help but blush at the actions that took place only moments earlier. This happened at the very sight of his face in my mind. I just need something to occupy my time. Yes that's it.

But what was there to do in my room. It was already organized to 100% perfection or at least I thought so when I look up to see a sword was facing 90 degrees to the left. That won't do at all. It must be perfect....

Reader's P.O.V.

So that was a crystal gem or at least that was a Pearl crystal gem. She was even more beautiful than I imagined. They looked so human like. No offense but I was actually expecting something a little more supernatural. Still it was a beautiful thing to be able to witness. Steven's so lucky he gets to live with such an interesting race. But at the same time, seeing Pearl brought up a lot of questions. I noticed that no one in town really wore jewelry with gems in them at least. So does that mean that everything I know about gems is a lie? Is the onyx gem in my ring right now sentient?  I say as I looked down at the ring on my finger. As far as I knew it was a normal ring that had been in the family for generations and I just so happened to inherit it from my grandmother. If the gems was sentient you'd thing it would have shown signs of life by now. It's not like it was damaged.

I lay in bed and look up at the sealing. I had came to the realization of my actions earlier today. I know it was little ungentlemanly to just kiss a girl like that but I had to. I wanted to. It was so unexplainable how Pearl made my heart race beyond comprehension. I had many admires that were all lovely in their own way but I just never felt the need to pursue a relationship. In all actuality, the kiss was accidental. I was actually looking at the pearl imbedded into her forehead because it seemed interesting. Was the gem really Pearl  or was the girl I was seeing Pearl, or was it both. Without really thinking about it , I ended up leaning into her even further and was compelled to have our lips meet.

It was hard to explain but dare I say it was the right thing to do. I hope I didn't cause her any trouble and yet I really wanted to see her again. To maybe not make our first meeting so awkward. Though I admit, I do not regret or apologize for the kiss. I enjoyed it quite a lot and her was blue and it was almost as if it drew me in to see the spectacle more often. Her literal pearly white skin and slim build. So graceful and light, I just wanted to dance with her, to know more about her and maybe I could. I was thinking for a while about asking her out. I should let the heat cool down for now though. I may have fried her brain. This was the best I've felt even when I came to Beach City. I knew I was making the right decision when I decided to move back. The life here is interesting and there's always cool things to experience. Pearl was an imagine in my mind that I never wanted to forget hence my other sudden idea to create my first memory in Beach City. I wasn't the best painter out there but I'd try my best to visualize Pearl the way she looked to me when we first met. ( The painting you drew is the picture from this stories title page)

PearlxMale Reader ( The Earl to your Pearl) Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now