Chapter 7 ( What about your happy ending?)

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Pearl's P.O.V.

(Y/N): I know why you've been distracted since we've been here. At first I thought it was my fault but now I know it's something else. Steven told me a lot of things about his life and one of those things being his mom....and you. I understand you had feelings for her but things didn't go the way you wanted and she fell in love with Steven's dad. Unrequited love can be the most heartbreaking thing you could ever experience in your life and I'm sorry that I can't truly understand how you feel because I've never experienced it before. Your my very first real crush Pearl and I know I didn't want to pressure you but earlier today....I know you caught on to what I said...but I do love you. It's hard to explain so soon but I feel like another reason that I moved back to Beach City, was because I had something else waiting for me and I'm 100% sure that that " something" was you. Look.....I know I'm not Rose....and you probably wish I was but I still like you and I promise....if you let me....I'll give you all the love and attention you deserve because you do deserve your own happy ending.

Pearl: H-how could you like a useless, weak Pearl like me. I can't even control my own emotions. I'm just a Pearl.

I hold back my tears and sniffles and (Y/N) held me.

(Y/N): Don't say those things about yourself. And I could care less if you were a Red Pearl, Black Pearl, or any other gem. I only want this Pearl in front of me.

(Y/N) gently wiped my tears away.

(Y/N): I'm not telling you to forget about Rose, I never met her but I know she meant a lot to you and the other gems. I don't think she would want her Pearl to be to beat herself up and besides, she's not completely gone. She lives on in our memories and through Steven.

Everything (Y/N) said was right.  He was always so eager to make me feel better and all I've done was mope around. Rose was gone and that was that but she left Steven and I'd protect him forever or be cracked trying. Rose had her happy ending, she wanted that for I knew....she wanted mine too. I had made my decision and I had finally understood what Garnet meant. (Y/N) was my opportunity of a lifetime and to think I almost lost it. To think he actually loves me? Someone who seemed like they'd never move on but what more could I lose?  I already lost the one thing I ever loved but at the same time I gained a friend and possibly something more. I may not have Garnet's future vision but I was willing to try this relationship with (Y/N), after all, he seemed to be in the same place I was once.

I understood, that I was Rose now, and he was my Greg. Never the less, I was ready and so I took his hand and it was like I was starting over. We waltzed our way into the night and just like that, all my doubts, old hopes, all past afflictions....completely washed away and as (Y/N) led me into a dip, his lips captured mine just like before on the beach only something was much different. The kiss felt stronger more pleasurable, passionate to the point I wanted to stay like this with him forever..........

Little did we know that the onyx gem in his ring....began to glow.

Time skip....

The night had ended abruptly as (Y/n) and I found ourselves in front of the temple where everyone seemed to be waiting for us.

Amethyst: So Pearl, how'd it go? You two look like you had fun.

Pearl: Steven, you shouldn't have stayed up so late?

I scolded.

Steven: But Pearl, ( Steven yawns) I wanted to know if you enjoyed yourself...

I made my way up to the temple and peered down and (Y/N) below and gave him a genuine smile.

(Y/N): So, I'll see you tomorrow them.  It was...really nice going out with you today.

(Y/N) waved at me as he turned to leave and I waved back at him. I turned around as well only to be met with Garnet's smirking face.

Garnet: I told you.

Was all she said before going inside.

I turned towards the night one last time but I knew (Y/N) was well out of sight with only his shoe prints in the sand that would eventually wash away the evidence of his presence. I looked up at the moon and the stars, tonight was certainly a memorable one. I had never felt so at peace in a long time but it was wonderful, this day was wonderful, (Y/n) was wonderful....

I went into the temple, passing Peridot who had not noticed my presence since she was busy watching tubetube videos on her tablet. I aligned my Gem with the one on the door as they both glowed momentarily and the door to my room opened up. I shifted back into my regular attire before going further into my room. I gracefully leapt onto the huge watery fountains before catching a glimpse of the painting (Y/N) had drew for me. Now would be the perfect time to hang it somewhere so I could always see. It didn't take long for me to find the perfect place to put it as I adjusted the frame to make sure it was aligned straight.

Once done, I also took the bouquet of water lilies that (Y/N) had gotten for me. My hand went up to my hair and touched the flower that I still had that (Y/N) gave me when we first met. They certainly smelled good. I'm going to wear it from now on. This flower can represent our relationship, I think to my self as I take the bouquet and gently place the lilies in the fountain. Perhaps they may grow through out the water again.

I then went to Steven's room in order to check up on him and maybe talk to him and everyone else about some of the details of last night but he was fast asleep. Still,  I couldn't wait to tell him tomorrow.

PearlxMale Reader ( The Earl to your Pearl) Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now