Chapter 13 ( Mission lost)

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Reader's P.O.V.

So basically, since I was kind of like Steven now, it really became a surprise to me even now. I'm still human but I can use gem powers whenever I'm fused with Pearl. Ever since we talked about this amazing and mysterious ability from my ring, I figured that I'd be with the Crystal Gems from now. I wanted to fight along side them for their cause, they were really doing something epic for Earth, risking everything to protect it from the home world gems that I had recently been informed about. I wanted to be able to be useful for the day we had to face our enemy. Already, home world gems and the diamonds having been after Earth. I needed to hone my skills and luckily, some bizarre activity was happening around the City so Pearl and I went on our very first mission together while Steven also tagged along.

Steven: This is so great. it reminds me of the time Connie had her first mission too. Now come on you two, I need to take lots of pictures.

Pearl: This mission is a little more challenging considering (Y/N)requires the experience but your body is still capable of being injured so I want him to be careful.

(Y/N):Your so cute when your worried about me.

I say as pearl blushed.

Steven: Awwww.

(Y/N): Speaking of Pearl's cuteness, what did you get from her Pearl point pouch Steven. I got a chibi Pearl. 

Steven: I chose the Pearl party popper this time.

(Y/n): Nice.

Meanwhile as we walked around, I couldn't help but take in the scenery of this beautiful area that we warmed to. It was almost hard to describe but it was like a giant jewelry box. Gems we're everywhere. Some shattered and some cracked. The place was also very moist and had lots of waterfalls. It basically sparkled and every so often you could see the light reflecting off of the gems and the water to create little patches of rainbow in front of your eyes.

Pearl: Do you remember what your supposed to do (Y/N)?

(Y/N): According to you, their have been signs of corrupted gems in the area that have made their way to beach City. We have to find them, execute them if necessary and retrieve them for bubbling.

Pearl: Very good.

(Y/n): I feel like I'm in the military carrying all these guns and bullets.

Pearl: If you want I can hold them for you.

(Y/N): No, I wouldn't want you carrying all of this weight.

Steven: She was talking about holding them in her gem.

(Y/n): What?

Pearl: Just allow me.

Pearl's gem began to glow as she told me to just push my items into it. Ooooh, I understand. Pearl's gem can hold stuff like lions mane. I guess this is a good idea. Whenever we fuse, we can just pull out our weapons with no problem. No sooner had I put whatever items I needed to put into Pearl's gem, we heard snarling coming from up ahead.

Pearl: Stay alert, it sounds like more than one. You can set up a sniping position here (Y/N). Steven, you'll come with me.

Steven: Ok.

I did what I was told and prepared my positions. When the rifle was up and ready to fie, I looked at Pearl and Steven from the scope. Pearl had her spear/triton out and Steven whipped out his shield and they began to battle the monsters with such skill, it was actually the first time I saw both of them use their powers. They looked super awesome. I got a few shots into the battle when monsters snuck up on Steven or Pearl. Steven would turn my way and give me a thumbs up. In the midst of action I did notice something strange. I don't think that monstrous sound was from up ahead. It sounded to close to me and a bit from underground.

No sooner did I realize this. The ground beneath me caved in. I found myself tumbling hundreds of feet down.

Pearl: (Y/N)!!!

Meanwhile as I heard Pearl echoing scream from up on the surface, I found that I had plummeted into a large lake. I had to surface immediately but stopped when I saw the reflection of something huge, peaking above the lake. I waited underwater for the huge monster to pass as it rumbled on. It was like some gem monster with numerous limbs and bigger than anything I wanted to mess with. Whenever it did pass, I surfaced as fast as I could and took in a huge breath of air.

 Great, now I have no idea how to get back to Pearl and Steven. I seemed to have fallen very far. I say as I look up at the hole I fell through. I was lucky that I fell into a lake. I had started to figure out if their was a ay for me to get back to the surface, when my ring began to glow. I wonder what it's doing now I thought to myself. The glow was faint but it seemed to be acting as a track when I moved my hand about. Wait a second I thought....your trying to lead me to Pearl.

If anything, the ring is trying to help me. It can't do much without me, I'm it's body, it's host. If something happens to me then it's useless on it's on. I came to this conclusion since I basically had any other ideas so I helped the ring out by moving around. It began to glow brighter and faster when I found a hidden passage behind all the years of undergrowth. I managed to use a lighter to burn around all the plants and followed the rings glow into a cave. It grew brighter to light the way. I didn't know how long I had been walking but eventually their is always a light at the end of  a tunnel and it was getting brighter and brighter until the sunlight was on my face. The ring was glowing out of control now as I looked around, I heard Pearl's voice frantically calling my name as I ran towards it.

(Y/N): Over here!

Steven: (Y/n), your ok!

Pearl: Oh I was so worried.

Pearl and I ran to each other and she basically jumped into my arms as I spun her around.

Pearl: What happened?

(Y/N): Something huge caved in the ground beneath me. I fell into a huge lake where it must be living. When we got separated, I guess my ring activated and it began to glow. It was acting like a tracker and led me to a cave and that's how I found you guys

Steven: I didn't know your ring could do that.

(Y/n): I didn't know either. It doesn't seem to like when I'm away from Peal. It goes crazy

Pearl: Nothing like that is going to happen again, we'll just stick together from now on. You scared me.

(Y/N): I apologize.

I say as I peck Pearl on the lips.

(Y/N): I don't mind being with you.

Steven: Yay, fusion time!

Pearl and I smiled as our gems began to glow as we prepared to fuse for the second time.

PearlxMale Reader ( The Earl to your Pearl) Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now