Ch.1 A plan

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New GMW story based of Girl Meets Tell-Tale Tot, mainly focuses on Joshaya. Cause ever since I saw part 2 of Ski Lodge, I've been shipping them more :)

One afternoon at 'Topanga's', Maya and Josh were sitting at the counter watching Riley and Lucas were on the couch talking to each other with smiles.

"They're so cute together" Maya smiled.

"They are aren't they?" Josh agreed with a smile.

"Hey shouldn't you be going to that movie you and Lucas were going to see?"

Josh looked at the time on his phone.

"Oh you're right it's starting soon" he said as he got up and went to Lucas "Hey Lucas, we need to go if we're going to see that movie."

"Oh right" Lucas said as he turned to Riley "I'll see you later."

"Okay" she smiled as he got up.

But as they were heading to the door, Maya's mom entered with a large brown envelope in her hands.

"Maya" she said "This just came in for you from New York University."

At that point Josh stopped walking as Lucas bumped into him.

"Oh... are we stopping?" Lucas asked with a sneaky smile.

"I'm not stopping I'm resting" Josh said as he tried to hide his guilt.

They then slowly headed towards the door.

"Oh my God really?" Maya gasped as she too the envelope.

"Yep" Katy smiled.

"Wait isn't that the college you're planning on going to after high school?" Riley asked.

At that point Josh stopped.

"Oh... are we stopping?" Lucas asked with a sneaky smile.

"I'm not as young as I used to be" Josh said.

"Well good luck Maya" Lucas said.

"Yeah I don't care" Josh lied as he and Lucas went out the cafe.

"You think he'll make it?" Zay asked Farkle who was sitting in the back.

"I give him 10 seconds before he comes rushing back" Farkle said with a sneaky smile.

"So what's does it say?" Riley asked as Maya opened the envelope and pulled out the papers and read them as her eyes widen "They want to invite me over to check it out."

At that point Josh burst in with Lucas running behind him as he caught his breath.

"So uh, you got in?" Josh asked as he acted causal.

"Josh I'm still a freshman" Maya said "I don't know if I'll get in until I'm a senior, they just invited over to check out the place, even though I kind of already know most of it when I went there last year to see you."

"Oh" he said "Okay."

He then slowly headed towards the door.

"So is the Headmaster going to show you around?" Riley asked.

"Oh no some of the students are going to" Maya said "In fact some of them I actually know and they're inviting me to hang out with them."

At that point Josh stopped.

"Oh... are we stopping?" Lucas asked with a sneaky smile.

"Nope" Josh said with a sneaky look "We're doing something else now."

He then went up to Maya.

"When is this little hang out whatever hi I don't care" he asked quickly.

"Tonight at 10" she said.

"And it's at the college right whatever hi I don't care."


Josh then turned around and went out the cafe while Lucas following. Josh then stopped outside as Lucas saw that he had a sneaky smile on his face.

"Are we smiling?" Lucas asked with a smile "I'll smile too, what are we smiling about?"

"You think Riley won't mind if we went to her bay window?" Josh asked.

"I know a short cut."

"Show me."

And with that they went away until they made it to Riley's apartment where they went into her room and sat at the bay window.

"So" Lucas said "You seemed pretty interested about Maya going to a college to hang out with the students."

"It's not that big of a deal" Josh said.

"Oh not that big of a deal?" Lucas doubted "Tell me Josh, what plan do you have in that head of yours? And how is it going to effect you and Maya?"

"What makes you think it's about me and Maya?"

"Well, you stopped every time she mentioned college, and you seemed pretty jealous when she said that she was going to hang out with some college students."

"I'm not jealous."

"Mm hm" Lucas doubted.

"Look, Maya and I both agreed that later when we're older we can go out."

"Then why do you have a plan?"

At that point Josh hesitated.

"And what exactly is the plan?"

Josh then gave a sigh "I'm going to that hang out."

"I knew it" Lucas grinned "You're going to that college even though you weren't invited, you little rebel, I can see why you and Maya are made for each other."

"Now I'm just going to make sure everything goes well."

"And by that you mean make sure she doesn't go off with another guy."

"Um..." he said trying to hide his guilt.

"Dude, Maya is still a freshman, you think any of the college guys are gonna fall for her?"

"I'm just saying, you don't know, it could happen."

Lucas then gave a small smile "You really like her huh?"

"I do" Josh said with a small smile.

"So you're really going to that hang out?"

"Yep. There's going to be college guys there, I know them, they're hunky, they're smart, and they're monsters. And I can't let Maya fall for them."

"But what if you get caught?"

"I'll figure something out. I just don't want to loose Maya, I can't imagine my life without her."

Lucas gave a smile "Well look at you being so romantic. And hey, if you're going, then I am?"

"Seriously, you want to come crash a college hang out?"

"Hey, if you run into trouble, you need someone to get you out of it."

"Well alright then" Josh smiled "You can come."

"Great, we just gotta be there before 10."

"Uh, didn't you hear? The hang out starts at 10."

"It starts at 10?!" Lucas gasped.

"You know I think you've been spending too much time with Riley."


"Yeah you need some bro time, and what better way to spend bro time with crashing a college party?" Josh said with a smirk.

What do you guys think so far? More coming soon

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