VIP Squad

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Every where I looked, I saw paparazzi. Lights took over, and it took us all a few seconds to adjust to the view. Around 100 people where there, which meant they had boughten the VIP tickets to come meet us early. They where pushing in front of each other, so they could be the first people at their favorite artists booth.

Everyone went to their separate booths, expect for Weston and I, because we requested to share a booth together. We walked up to our booth, waving at the screaming, and crying fans. "Have fun!" Noah said with a wink, as the guards let the fans come crashing through. I braced myself, as a group of people came over, and almost cried when they had signs that said, "ILY MIA!"

A lot of people came straight to our booth, asking if we where dating, and paparazzi begged us to kiss so they could make a little extra money. The fans asked so many questions my head started to hurt, but I kept a smile on my face, as they told me since Weston was their "daddy" I was now their "Mommy."

We posed for pictures, selfies, and even a few's. People kept coming, and it seemed never ending, I was tired by the ten minute mark, but I knew that this was just the start of my journey. People kept coming over to our booth, and we ran through the same routine of pictures and questions, until the VIP time was up. This was just the beginning.

We had a whole show to do.

They guards let the fans back behind a rope, to a bunch of front row seats. The venue was huge, I didn't expect this. At all. While everyone was settling in, one person from the crew came to the each of us, and put a mic on our cheeks, and told us to be happy, and have a great time. Once the VIP's where settled in, they opened the door for the rest of the people, who also came in, crying and holding up signs. I counted 8 signs, just for me.

"Whoa" I thought as I waved and blew kisses to the crowd. One of the stage crew people turned our mice on, and Weston started, looking out into the crowd, still holding my shaking hand. "Hey Chicago whats up?" HE said as girls and boys, screamed his name, and "awed" at our relationship. I blushed as a fan said, "MARRY HER!" to Weston. He looked at me, and without moving his eyes, he said, "I will."

The room exploded with cheers, and me and Weston just stood there, not moving at all. He leaned in, as the camera's started flashing, and screams rang wildly throughout the venue. We kissed and he leaned back. "LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!" He said, lifting our hands up high.

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