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Hi I'm Lauren. Umm lets see what else can I tell you about me. Oh right Im 19 or 20 ether one, I lost count ever sense the zombie apocalypse. I pretty much lost count of everything, But right now its the least I can worry about. I used to have a family, a brother, sister, mom and dad. But now there dead, well I actually don't know if there dead they could be somewhere out there, I hope I find them one day. Hah If there other people out there other than me.

I remember my old life, being the badass popular girl. I really loved it, I would have all the friends, all the guys would fall for me. I felt like a queen. Oh I know what your thinking 'someone call 911 we have a plastic here', well I'm not that kind of popular, I didn't spread rumors like Patricia, thats why people liked me and raised me up to be there queen. But of corse that was the past now its 'I really hope I make it today'. At least thats what I think in my perspective.

I just woke up about a hour ago, at 'I don't know which hour, but before dawn' time. I got to say the sunset is so beautiful, all the bright colors, pink, purple, light blue, with the white clouds, and a torn up Chicago in the back round. It helps me, it makes me feel happy. Its pretty much the thing I look forward to now that the sick took over, what I mean by the sick are the zombies. Before my family and basically everyone vanished in my life, there was a rumor that there was a safe place in the mountains in the east. So thats were I'm headed to, even though it was just a rumor theres a chance I could be saved, and thats all that matters.

Its now dark, when the zombies come out of now where. I went to the door for the stair case that lead to the top of the building, and locked it. Now it is the time I have to be completely silent, the zombies are really bad at seeing but they can defiantly hear, there attracted by sounds. Now I have two options to travel around or to sleep, but bolth are very dangerous, same with day you sleep or travel, but you don't know if theres a zombie thats brave enough to go out into the day light to eat you.

I don't really want to take any risks. So I might as well sleep. I walked over to the wall I've sleep on for the last 2 days, and slid down the cold wall and sat there. I miss the warmth of my family, my home, my life. But now thats all gone. I try to remember the feeling of it, to keep my hopes up. But after every day more of the nice memories slip out of my hands, and soon enough ill be left with none to comfort me, to give me courage, to give me compony. But with...



So what did you think of the first chapter of Zombie Apocalypse. Should I write more. Tell me.             


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