He tells you he loves you for the first time ( Liam and Zayn)

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You and Liam have been dating for a couple months now. Right now you and Liam were on a date at your local fair.

Liam was at one of the carnival games trying to win you the turtle you have been eying the whole time you have been there.

" Almost..... There..... YES!!! Y/N i got the turtle for you!" Liam yelled in victory. You ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you!" You say hugging the turtle. You and Liam walk around for a while admiring the starry night. Liam gasps and starts running towards the Ferris wheel. You hated Ferris wheels, they terrified you.

"Y/N can we please go on the ferris wheel?!" He pleaded like a child. Damn... It's gonna be hard resisting that puppy face of his.

" Liam I-I don't know..." You said looking up at the Ferris wheel and gulped.

"Please?" He said moving closer to you and giving you a puppy dog look. Dammit....

You huffed and gave in. "Fine" you said rolling your eyes.

"Yay! Thank you baby!" He thanked then kissed my cheek making me blush. He dragged me over to the Ferris wheel and you were seated... The ride started to move and you feel your stomach flip. You scooted closer to Liam and hugged his arm and nuzzling your head in his neck, closing your eyes.

" Aww baby! Don't be scared! I will protect you.... Wanna know why?" He said raising his eyebrow. You nod wanting to know the answer.

He leaned down and whispered in your ear, " Because i'm Batman." You erupted in giggles. He joins you. You pretty much forget that you were scared of the Ferris wheel. You look out and enjoy the beautiful sky in front of you.

" No but in all seriousness, Do you wanna know why i will protect you?" He asked looking in your eyes. You nod eager to hear his answer. He looks out to the sky and sighs. You look out as well. You feel his lips on your head.

" It's because i love you." He mumbles into your hair. You sat there stunned. You have been dating for only a couple months and you didn't realize he had developed such strong feelings towards you.

" I-I love you too" You answer after a minute of silence. He turned your face to look at him at him. He leaned in and pressed his sweet lips to yours.


The boys were performing in Croke Park tonight and Zayn, your boyfriend of a couple months, Had invited you to go. Of course, being a Directioner yourself, accepted his offer. You decided to look nice and dress up for him.

The boys started the concert and you were having a blast. You loved how energetic Zayn was while he was on the stage. At home he is always very quiet, he is a pretty layed back kind of guy, and you just loved seeing him all pumped up and energetic on stage. The show ended so you walked back stage. As you was walking down the hall, you saw a very weird man leaning up against the wall. You put your head down, avoiding eye contact from this strange man. As you walk past him he grabs a hold on your arm. You try to get away but the man is too strong.

" Where you going beautiful?" He smirks and strokes your cheek with the back of his hand. You smack his hand away.

" Let me go you filthy bastard!" He seems taken back...

" Now a pretty young lady like you should not be talking like that." he pauses. " I'm gonna have to punish you." He says, amusement filled in his voice. This scared the shit out of you. He comes closer inches from your face.

"HELP! ZAYN HELP ME! ZAY-" He slapped his hand over your mouth.

" Shut the fuck up you bitch!" He whisper/yells. You feel a tear rolling down your cheek. You hear loud footsteps coming towards you.

" Y/N!! Get the fuck away from my girl!" You hear a voice yell. You automatically knew who it was. Zayn. A wave of relief washed over you. Security guards came and took the man away. Zayn pulled you into a big protective hug.

" I won't let something like that ever happen to you again. I will protect you with everything i have. You understand me?" He asks still worried about you. You nod knowing he will do everything in his will to protect you. Then the three words you have been thriving to hear him say, rolled off his lips.

" I love you." He says kissing your forehead. All your worries washed away. You felt complete.

" I-I love you too." You say looking into his eyes. He smiles wider than you thought it could and kisses you with all the passion he has in his body.

(A/N) Sorry it took me so long to update :/ I have been so busy recently. But i hope you guys like it!! If you like it tell me or vote please!!! Love you all xx

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