Babysiting Lux with Harry ( Request for Gabby )

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" Hello Gabby!" I hear a familiar voice call out. Right now i was backstage waiting for Harry to get off stage. Harry and i have been dating for 2 years and i was pregnant. The problem with that is i haven't told Harry. I'm afraid of him leaving me. Plus i don't know how to subtly bring something so big into a conversation. I just pray that he doesn't leave me.

I turn around to see who called my name, and i see Louise. " Hey girl!" I answer, walking towards her. Me and Lou are great friends. Maybe i can talk to her about me being pregnant.

" How have you been? I haven't seen you in a couple of weeks!" She said cheerfully.

" I know i missed you! I've been great how about your self?" I ask.

" Amazing!" She smiled. God she is such a happy and cheerful person.

" Could I uh talk to you about something?" I ask very nervous.

" Oh no. What did Harry do? Do i have to beat his ass?" She joked. I laughed at her sarcasm.

" Haha no Harry didn't do anything. Well, nothing bad at least. This does involve Harry though.." i explained.

" Alright let's go to the dressing room." She said leading me to the dressing room. We walk in and we sit down on the love seat located at the back of the room. I sigh and fidget with my hands.

" So whats up hun. You look like you are going to pass out." She said, obviously worried.

" Well I- I'm pregnant." I say just above a whisper.

"OH MY GOSH! Congratulations! How far along are you?" She asked clapping her hand.

" A month or 2... But the problem is I don't know how to bring it up to Harry. What if he leaves me? What if i am going to have to raise this baby alone?" I say looking up at her.

" Sweetie, i know exactly what your going through.  But I don't think you have to worry about Harry leaving you. He loves you so much, all he talks about is you. He just loves you to pieces. If he leaves you I will make sure he won't ever be able to have another child." I laugh at her comment.

" Here i have an idea. How about you and Harry babysit Lux for an hour and you can bring it up when he is playing with Lux. He loves Lux, as you know and with her around maybe it will ease the conversation." She offers. I think it over for a minute then realize Lou is a fucking genius.

" You're a fucking genius Lou!" I hug her and thank her.

" Don't thank me! I'm just looking out for my girl." She laughs. Just as we finish hugging, the boys burst through the door, all sweaty and tired. Harry was the last in and once he saw me, he ran over to me and hugged me very tightly.

" I missed you baby." He whispers in my ear and kissing the side of my neck.

" I missed you too." I whisper back.

" Gabby, Harry, can you two watch Lux for me while i run out to go grab some groceries. You can take her to your house if you want." Louise asks with a slight wink shot towards me. I caught her gesture and returned it.

" Absolutely. How long do you want us to watch her?" Harry asks happily.

" Uh an hour or so. Not too long just for a little while." She shrugged. " Let me go get her." She says walking out of the room. She comes back with Lux wiggling around in her arms. She hands her to me and looks at Harry.

" Better take good care of my Lux Harold, or else your ass is mine!" She warns jokingly.  I laugh and look at Harry waiting for his answer.

" When have i EVER mistreated my sweet little Lux." He said holding Lux's hand and looking at her, scrunching up his nose and smiling at her.

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