a vvvvvvveeeerrrrrrrryyy lllllooooonnnnggg day

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"Honey. Honey! HONEY!" Mom calls from outside my room.

"What?" I replied groggily.

"You have to go to school today!"

"Uhhhhhhhh!" I groan, head under my pillow. I drag my sore body out of bed and sleepily pull on some clothes, followed by a painful stumbling into the kitchen.

I eat a bowl of oatmeal that feels like glue in my mouth and doesn't taste like anything. I slowly scroll over my room to see if I've forgotten anything. After that, I trudge out the door. I walk to the bus, my boots almost hidden in the snow. When I board the bus, the warmth of the heater wraps around me and I think of all the times we hugged. I can't forget, not for a second. He's always on my mind.

I sit down in one of the middle row seats, set my backpack down beside me, and stare out the window at the white washed, winter - stained world that surrounds these pounding thoughts. 

I stare off into space all through the school day. The teachers all understand my situation, and don't bother to call on me, only give me anxious sidelong glances. I sit alone at lunch because, though I never realized it before, I pretty much cut off all my friends when I started dating Patrick. I never needed anyone else.

After I get off the bus at the end of the day, I go straight to my room, lay down on my bed, and cry myself into a nap. I was excused all homework for a month, thanks to my mom. When I wake up, it's evening. I smell my mom's beef stew simmering in the crock pot. My stomach rumbles.

 I don't want to be hungry! I just want people to leave me alone to let me wallow in my misery. But eventually I give in and head down stairs to get some of the delicious stew I've always loved.

When I walk into the kitchen, I found that my mom wasn't anywhere to be found. Then, I notice a note left on the pots lid. It says:

Honey, I'm out with Mrs.Wick. I'll be back before dinner get's cold, so don't worry about me. I hope you had a nice day at school and I'll be home soon.

Love, Mom

At that moment, the pot beeps, telling me the stew is done. I turn off the heat and open the lid to let the stew cool. I wait a few moments before ladling some into a bowl. I settle down on the couch, turn on the TV, and sink into some random reality show. I don't remember falling asleep, but the next thing I do remember is my mom shaking me awake, grinning like my boyfriend wasn't half dead.

"Anna! He woke up!" she breathes.

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