Who are you?

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I don't remember much of anything in the next few moments except that I will probably end up with a couple bruises from bumping into probably every piece of furniture, getting ready to go see him. I sprint to the car, hop in, turn on the engine, warm the car up, then I sit back and listen to my heart pound. 

He's awake! My life can go back to normal!  I think as I sit in the car. Then, it starts to snow a little. And it doesn't make me sad anymore. I will have my Christmas kiss with him after all!

Finally, my mom comes out of the house and we drive off to the hospital. I rush into the waiting room, my cheeks rosy from the nipping wind and my excitement. I don't know what to do. I twirl around, waiting for my mom to get her butt in the door so I can sprint to the back and see Patrick. I just can't believe it. HE'S AWAKE! THANK LORD JESUS ABOVE!  my mind screams.

My mom comes in, explains to the receptionist who we are and who we are here to see and then we are given clearance to go see him. It takes every ounce of self control I have to not book it down the halls. I walk as slowly as I can muster, making our way through crowds of doctors and nurses, patients and patients' loved ones, until finally we arrive at his room. I peek in and smile, seeing him sitting up in the bed, chatting calmly with a nurse, something I'd almost convinced myself I'd never see. 

The nurse notices me before he does, giving me a confusing look. The look is....sad, and nervous, and something I can't place. I give her a quizzical look, before she approaches me and puts a hand tenderly on my shoulder, whispering "I'm so sorry sweetie...you should talk to him yourself..." and leaving the room suddenly, her nurse shoes clipping the tile floor, her pace brisk.

I approach his bed. He still hadn't noticed me, looking like he'd zoned out, his gaze somewhere on the horizon out his window. I stood there for a second, an uneasy feeling filling my gut. What had the nurse meant?

"Hey." I said quietly, my voice coming out raspy and unsure. His head whips around to look at me, a look of complete bewilderment glazing his eyes. Then he says the last thing I expected.

"Who are you....?"

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