What is this dream...?

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I feel like I'm floating. Everything is so...warm and soft and quiet. I'm comforted by these sensations, and yet...I'm so sad. Suddenly, I'm wandering along a softly light road, winding through a forest. All of the colors around me are muted and subtle, almost as though I was walking in a painting done by expert hands. I don't wonder at the scenery though, I only focus on the void in my heart. I feel it, a deep, thorough sadness, engulfing the space where my heart used to be.

I wanna cry. Not explosive bawling. Just a long, calm cry. I wander from the road, the soft colors of the forest verging on pastel, wrapping me in a sense of security and serenity.

I find a small dip in the landscape not far from the forest edge. I lay down on my side, my back against one of the upraised edges, and begin my long cry. The tears roll down my cheeks silently, and as they do, fluffy, fat flakes of snow begin to fall. I don't feel the chill, they aren't cold, and yet they fall, all around me, sticking to my hair, to my clothes, to the grass beside me, everything.

I continue to cry while studying the little shavings of ice. The snowfall begins to turn the pastel world white, as though it was erasing it. Soon everything around was just a blank sheet of paper, with a tiny me in the middle. Then, the snow erases me too, and there is nothing.

And then I wake up to the same sort of white-washed world. 

Good job snow, you found me in my dreams too.

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