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Lola POV

We were in a lunch room. When Tibbles came with a a huge thing but cover with a blanket

"See this.Ta da " Tibbles said taking of the blanket.

"Oh! That's awesome!" Someone yell

"Hey, y'all. That's us!" Dwayne said so native. I feel bad because everyone was rolling their eyes at him.

"Duh, whatta ya know?" Fulton made fun of him

"Today,it's a Wheaties box.
Tomorrow, it's video games, action figures, lunch boxes. The sky is the limit. Now,just to make sure that everybody knows who you are...try on one of these." Tibbles started said and put out a uniforms

"Brought to you by those wonderful people at Hendrix...for all your hockey needs.Fulton, there you go. Coach.Everybody take your own. I'm not gonna give 'em out to everybody." Tibbles continue. Luis gave me mine.

"That's nice, Coach, but we're Ducks.This stuff says "Hendrix" all over it." I heard Charlie said behind me. I turn around and see what is happening

"Well, yeah, they're our sponsors, Charlie." Coach Bombay reply

"So what?Can't we be U.S.A. Ducks? Or at least
keep our own colors?" Charlie continue

"it's business stuff, Charlie.
Don't worry about it." Coach stand up and walk away

"So you were part of The Mighty Ducks." I asked

"Yeah I am. I haven't really introduce myself. I'm Charlie Conway." Charlie raise his hand for me to shake

"Lola Infante. " I shake his hand.

"So how are you so far liking our team." Charlie asked

"Well I admit that you guys are really good at hockey. But so far I only talked with four people including you." I answer

"Really who" Charlie asked

"Connie, Dwayne and Julie" I answer

"What about Luis. I saw that you guys came in together" Charlie pointing at Luis, who was talking with Dwayne.

"I known him since I moved here. Which was 7 years ago" I replied

"Really. I never seen you around. How's that" Charlie looked confused

"I'm usually in my room or my middle school theater club. Which I help the director. " I answer him

"Really from what you tell me. It sounds like you don't play hockey alot" Charlie told me

"Well I hurt my ankle last year and I haven't play real hockey. I only play with my little cousin. I been trying to keep the hockey down low." I sigh

"Who taught you to play hockey" Charlie asked

"It was my older brother" I answer

"Where is he" Charlie asked

"Well I hope in heaven" I joked

" Oh I didn't know. I never shouldn't asked" Charlie looked shocked

"It's okay. Playing hockey was the only time we were together and not fighting. My brother and me never were as close." I answer

"Oh alright" Charlie breath out.

After Miss MacKay took us to this camp site near the river and started to teach us about history. Not my best subject but not my worse subject either. I was sitting next to Luis.

"Ancient Greece was the beginning of Western Civilization.See, in Greece, they didn't have professional sports...or Wheaties boxes.
So the athletes competed
for another reason. Anybody?" Miss MacKay asked

"Falafels?" Goldberg asked and everyone groan along laughed

"Charlie?"Miss MacKay asked

"Pride." Charlie reply

"That's right. The various
city-states waved their flags...
and wore their home colors proudly." Miss MacKay reply

"Did America always dominate?" Fulton asked

Everyone just did the same thing but i heard Dean said something of a good question

"No. America wasn't around back then. Don't forget that compared to other countries...America is still young,still forming its own identity.America is a teenager just like you." Miss point it out

"Like us?" Jesse asked confused

"You bet.A little awkward at times...but always right there
on the verge of greatness." Miss MacKay looked at all of us

Later that day Coach Bombay took us to skate around the camp. Him being in a small cart and us skating behind him

"I don't know but i been told" Coach Bombay sing

"I don't know but I been told" we sing

"Team U.S.A.'s gonna win the gold" Coach Bombay sing

"U.S.A.'s gonna win the gold" we sing back

"Listen up and listen good" Coach Bombay sing again

"Listen up and listen good " we sing back again

We all started to skate in front of Coach Bombay. Luis was holding my hand. Since I'm still scared of hurting my ankle

"Sound off" Coach Bombay sing

"One, two" we yell back

"Sound off " Coach Bombay yell

"Three, four" we all whispered and laughed

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