Blu Spy x Red Sniper

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"I bloody hate spies" I whisper as I shoot the blu spy in the leg. He was disguised as Alora. But I saw him pull out a sapper.

It took both him and Jay by surprise of cause.

Now thats something I love doing.

Surprising people.

"I didn't realise you don't use a scope" the french accent catches me of guard. I grab my machete, but he catches it with on of his darned knives.

He makes a tutting noise as he advances, useing more knives to pin my clothes, and in extension, me , to the wall.

" You little Wanker!"

"Oh do be polite, madame "

I spit in his face. He wipes it away, disgusted, and tuts again.

He advances.

"Oh it's such a shame, that you should be so unladylike, mon cheri"

He slams his lip on mine, and stabs me in the stomach.

I wake up at respawn, disgusted and shocked.

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