Blu Medic x Blu Sniper

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I didn't want to be out here. It's too warm for my liking, and those eight legged freaks are worse.

Why did my medical training have to bring me out here? Oh, thats right. I'm the only person in the world smart enough to make a zombie virus cure.

Damn my intelligence.

I quickly jump out of the van, skittering to the survivor base, half jumping over some form of arachnid along the way. I really hate it out here. The man who drove me out here opens the door, and leads me to my workspace. I get many stern looks as I walk down the corridor, so I keep my eyes to the floor.

I want my taubens , I miss my little flock. At least they didn't judge me, even if they were quiet.

"Well, nurse, this is where you work." Tch, nurse. I am no nurse. I could heal your whole team in five minutes.


I start to unpack, humming a song that reminds me of home. I want to go home. But I can't.

"So you're th' doc, righ'?" I swivle around, and come face to face with a man, wearing a hat and sunglasses. I nod, taking a step back slightly.
"Cool. People just call me sniper." He holds out a hand for me to shake, which I do so, hesitantly.

He gives a small smirk.

"You ever seen one of 'em? Oi've seen more then most people. Took down a horde when oi was 7"

"I haven't, no. Alzough, i understand zhier scince very vell. Zat is vhy I'm here."

"So you be 'ere a while, mate?" I nod. "Good".

Leaves, but not before leaving a soft kiss on my lips.

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