Ask him

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Eren PoV.
"Jean no. I don't even like him!" I was slightly pissed at what he said.
"Pleaseeeeeee" Jean was begging me.
"Fine.." I walked over across the road over to Levi he was wear the normal outfit blue shorts and a attack on Titan top and glasses.
"Levi?" I asked trying not to snort at this nerdy look of his. He looked up at me. "Y-Yes" he managed to stutter out. He took his headphones out well act least he was going to hear what I was going to say. "Well I've been meaning to ask you for a while.... I really like you..... Will you go out with me?" I looked at the smaller male   he was bright red in the face "Y-You want to g-go out with me?!" He sounded happy yet confused I gave him a small nod smiling Jean was laughing on the other side of the road.  "I-I guess we can try this" Levi smiled and looked away and carried on walking to school. I ran back over to Jean.

"I hate you so much!" I hit Jean round the back of the head. "HAH! Your going out with a nerd!"

Levis PoV.

I carried on walking to school I wasn't smiling but I sure felt like it but I'm that one depressed kid so no I wasn't going to smile I put my headphones back in and listened to Fall Out Boy.  I didn't go near anyone in fear of getting laughed at by my 'nerdy' outfit I was wearing but still I'm a depressed nerdy kid what never had friends. The doors opened I went to the school consoler. Every Friday and Monday was when I went to go see her. She was nice I guess. I walked to her small office and knocked on the door.  "Miss?" I knocked again she opened it smiling I walk in. It was normal she'd ask me how I felt with my Uncle , She told me that i needed to go to a support groups I said I didn't needed them. Soon the buzzer went off I leave and go to my next lesson P.E. I hated P.E I have scars on my arms and up my legs I carried on walking to P.E.

**Time Skip in the changing rooms**

3rd Person.

Levi took his shirt off he hated his body it was to curvy for him. Eren was talking to Jean on the other side of the room Jean was laughing about Levi's cut arms Eren was laughing about it as well. Levi got his white P.E shirt on and his black shorts on. Jean and Eren where taking there time as always. A few of the boys that also picked on Levi smirked and walked over to him "Oi shorty!" One of them looked down at Levi, all he did was look up at them he didn't say anything. "Heh cant you hear me? Or are you to dumb to understand?" One of them mocked Levi just looked away. "Answer me you short idiot!" he knew it was risky but he just didn't say anything "Gonna go cry to you mommy?" They mocked Levi looked up at them and glared "Don't talk about my mom ever!" Levi yelled throwing a punched to the males jaw at such a force to make him fall, just like a tree the log fell. Everyone looked over at Levi he quickly walked out Eren looked at Jean "Should I go after him?" Eren asked Jean just nods everyone else was told to go outside and start to warm up. "Levi?" Eren called out.

To be continued.

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